They've been a long-time coming, I know, but I figured it was just so nice out, it would be a perfect time to bring my laptop out onto the deck and just upload. So here goes!
My attempt at taking my own picture at 10weeks... didn't turn out too well.
Now, 11 weeks.
I don't even like calling them "belly" pics.... fat pics, is more like it.... faaaaaaat....
And here's the LOST Dharma-esque shirt my sister in law and her boyfriend sent me as a congrats:
Anyone who knows me, knows how awesome this is.
Speaking of clothes, I also need clothes. New clothes and lots of them. Pants are getting tight. Shirts are getting small. Boobs are popping out all over the place. I'm a mess... my birthday's in a month, and I really hope people are getting the "please give me gift cards to maternity clothing stores" hint.
My first official prenatal appointment was last week, and I can definitely say I'm going to like the practice. Peeing on command is not fun, and I had to try twice to give them a sample. Blood-giving is also not on the top of my priority list- next time I need to make sure I eat SOMETHING, and maybe even let them lie me down first, because feeling like you're going to pass out as they take 6 vials is not kosher.
The best plus side of the appointment? I finally got to hear the baby's heartbeat! It sounded like a little train - it was SO cute, and I could't help grinning from ear to ear. We had to try twice, but once the Nurse got an idea as to where my ute was, she was able to find the baby on the 2nd try.
Next prenatal is scheduled for 4/8/10 - I'll be 14 weeks. And then a month after that will be the anatomy scan, and our chance to find out the gender! :D
Other than the fact that I just finished a whole bag of Cheese Doodles by myself, there's not much else going on. Nausea has gone down, but the fatigue is still going strong. I'm hoping with the longer days and nicer weather I'll be able to get out and walk more. I need it, and BabyBaby needs it.
I'll also try to have more motivation to blog more... promise!