I saw this article on TheBump the other day and I was intrigued... not because of what it had to offer, but because at least half of the items on this top-ten list, I either already knew about or already had...
1. Gripe Water
Thanks for my Niner friend Ames, and from numerous suggestions from other new mothers, I already had this one ready in the arsenal. Haven't bought a bottle - yet - but its definitely on my personal must-have list.
2. Fisher-Price Ocean Soothe & Glow Seahorse
Again, per the suggestion of Ames, this one ended up on my registry. We received it at my first baby shower, and it's already in the crib, waiting on BabyBaby to come home.
3. The Ultimate Crib Sheet
We didn't go with this one, but thankfully have 4 crib sheets, 4 waterproof mattress pads, and 2 mattress covers in reserves if something does happen...
4. Air-Venting Bottles
Check. We registered for Dr. Brown's bottles and received them at the shower. So if for some reason I can't breastfeed how I want to, or if I can and I can start pumping for Chris' benefit right away, we're all set.
5. Sophie
I had known about Sophie for quite some time -- my friend Jess had one for her son, and she now has a tradition of giving it as a gift for every baby that comes along. Needless to say, she game me mine for my shower as well.
6. Glider
This was a no-brainer. We purchased ours when BRU was having their nursery furniture sale, and I'm very, very happy to have it.
7. Nursing Pillow
Again, my Boppy was something I was looking forward to having even before I found out I was pregnant. And even if I don't/can't nurse, it's going to be a great infant pillow.
8. A Travel Chair
This one I'm not so sure about. We hadn't really put much thought into it, Baby Bargains didn't really mention it when we were working on our registry, and it's not something any of my new mom friends said I have to have. I'll let this one go.
9. A Swaddle Blanket
We are now the proud owners of 4 of these. After seeing how much friends' babies enjoyed being swaddled, and how simple they are to use, these were a must-have on the registry.
10. Fisher-Price Rock n' Play Sleeper
Yes, yes, and yes. Friends of ours did some research and purchased this for their son right before he was born, and we were looking for a bassinet-type option as the baby will be sleeping in our room for the first couple of months. Plus, it's a great rocker for even when their not sleeping.