Samantha is one week old today, and oh, what a week it's been! Everything has been a blur, and I don't know if that's because we've been doing so much running around between the hospital and pediatrician appointments and visitors, but yeah... it's been a long one regardless.
Sami was born. The day was spent recouping, resting, and welcoming visitors.
The pediatrician came to see Sam in the morning. She said she wanted some blood work done done because they thought she was looking a little jaundiced.
The pediatrician wanted more bloodwork to be done because the bilirubin levels just weren't where she wanted to see them before letting her go home. It was later decided that Samma needed to stay an extra day under the UV the lights. I was technically discharged, but because I was breastfeeding, they put me up in a boarding room overnight, only to see Sami every 3 hours for 30 minute intervals for feedings, trying to supplement with formula to help flush her system as the bilirubin breaks down. I didn't like giving her the formula so early, but luckily she didn't like taking it either. On a plus side to that, she had no problem taking to a bottle, so that's going to be good when I start pumping.
The pediatrician ordered two more blood tests to be done at 5am and 1pm. Samantha had also lost about 7% of her birth weight, which was normal with exclusively breastfed newborns, but with everything else going on, they were monitoring that as well. Around 3pm we get the thumbs-up to go home, with lab work and a pediatrician's appointment schedule for the following morning.
We went to the hospital for lab work in the morning, with a follow-up pediatrician's appointment afterwards. Unfortunately Sami's bilirubin levels went up again, so we had to bring the poor girl back up to the hospital for another blood test. If we found that the levels continued to climb back up, Sami and I would have to be readmitted to Pediatrics at the hospital so that she could go back under the lights. Luckily, her levels went back down in the afternoon, and the pediatrician wanted another blood test done in the morning to make sure they stayed down.
More lab work and another pediatrician's appointment in the morning. Her levels had gone back up again, so we decided a day in the sun before another lab was done that afternoon was in order, and apparently it worked, because her levels went back down!
Another test and another appointment - the levels didn't go up! They didn't go down much either, but at least it was a step in the right direction. Unfortunately, another test and appointment were ordered for the morning because we wanted to see a greater decrease than we had been.
One more lab and pediatrician appointment in the morning - and the levels went down again! The pediatrician was very please with this news, and believed we had hit our plateau and now everything was going to be in a downward motion. For the first time in a week, we wouldn't have to go to the hospital for a blood test the next day, and our next pediatrician's appointment isn't until Wednesday for a weight check.
Despite all of this, Sami is clinically fine. Her vitals are perfect, she's responsive, eating like you wouldn't believe, and gaining an ounce a day - she left the hospital at 6lbs 3 oz we believe (never really told) and constantly gained an ounce at every appointment. She was at 6lbs 7oz today, so we're almost back up to her birth weight!
It's crazy though - if all this running around had been for any other reason, I could definitely see Chris and myself just getting to a breaking point, but we did good... I think we really lucked out that the hospital and doctor's office were so close to us, because I can't imagine how frustrating all this back and forth could have been if we had to go into Boston every time. But no - we stuck to it because we knew it was for Sami's best interest, and that made it all worth it.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Introducing Samantha!
Samantha Susanne was born Monday, September 20, 2010 at 9:53am, weighing in at 6lbs, 10oz, and 19.25" long.
However, let's go back a few days, and let me tell you how the story progressed. I warn you now, this may be TMI for some, as it is Sami's birthing story.... you've been warned.
Early in the morning of the Thursday before, I started feeling very period-like cramps, and they progressed throughout the night. I called my midwife a couple of times, and after rest, massage, and a warm shower didn't help, we decided to go up to the hospital to see what was going on. We arrived at the Labor & Delivery triage around 8am Thursday morning and were brought to a curtained off corner relatively soon. They strapped me up to the fetal heartrate monitor, and the midwife on call performed my first internal. At the time, I was only 1cm dialated, 70% effaced, and the baby was very low, but no where near close to actual active labor, so they kept us there to monitor the baby a little bit longer, then sent us on our way, suggesting rest and fluids and just monitoring how I was feeling. I also had a pre-scheduled OB appointment later in the day, so she told me to keep the appointment, have them check me again, and see if there was any progress.
Thursday afternoon I went to my appointment to be checked, after having felt crappy cramps all day, but since there wasn't any bleeding or leaking fluids, no one seemed too worried. I don't know what the midwife did different than the other this time around, but this internal felt like she was reaching in up to her elbow - it hurt SO much more than the one prior in the day, but the verdict was similar to last time: 1cm dialated, 80% effaced at this point, and the baby was at 0 station. Again, rest and relaxation was recommended, and we went home.
Nothing really progressed into Friday, but I just felt so miserable and sore from the day before that I decided to take another day off from work to rest up with the intent to return if all was well on Monday. I cramped on and off on Friday, but nothing like Thursday's issues. And I lost my mucous plug... and it was gross. And I was mucousy, so much so that I opted to wear a pantyliner because I just felt so icky.
Saturday I was miserable. I just felt off, my stomach was upset, and I had very little to no energy to do anything.
Luckily, on Sunday whatever was getting me down on Saturday was gone, and I was full of energy and excitement to get things done and enjoy our first anniversary dinner. I ate the meal without any issue, we walked a couple of blocks, and anything that resembled a cramp was a thing of the past.
Late, late Sunday/early Monday I had gotten up to use the bathroom. As with every other night in the last 6 months of my pregnancy, it took me a while to fall back asleep once I was out of bed. Around 1:20am, in my half asleep haze, I felt a sudden gush and realized my water had broken. I wasn't feeling any contractions so I wasn't panicking too much. I woke Chris up and he worked on changing the bedsheet so that we saved the mattress while I ran into the bathroom to clean up and put on a pad. I called my midwife, and since I wasn't contracting, she didn't seem too concerned. She told me to try to get some sleep, but to plan on coming in between 7-8am and we would go from there. I tried lying down again, but there was so much going through my mind that I decided to get up and try to read. Maybe 15-20 minutes after I hung up with the midwife did the contractions start. Mild at first, they quickly grew to uncomfortable levels. Chris and I tried watching a DVR'd episode of Bridezillas to help get my mind off of everything, but it didn't help - I could barely walk, let alone talk through them, only 10 minutes into the show. By 2:40am we were on our way to the hospital.
The woman at the Labor & Delivery Registration office was a moron. I don't know how many times she had to ask me my name and date of birth, and how many times she said she couldn't find my pre-reg in the system. So here I am, trying to breathe through contractions in the corner of her office, and I'm having to lean over her shoulder and point out, plain as day on her computer screen, my entry. As she was working on admitting me, I noticed she had entered "Rule Out Labor" - it didn't occur to me until we were in the L&D waiting room that she had meant for me to go through triage again... so as I'm hunched over a chair the nurse and this woman are running back and forth trying to fix her mistake. Finally the nurse called my name, and rather than going through the triage doors, we went into the birthing center - it was like a glorious light at the end of a tunnel.
We got into the delivery room and I changed into a johnny, and I swear everything I had learned in our child birthing class went out the damn window... well, I guess I shouldn't say that. We had a "birth plan" and I remembered how to breathe, but I don't know if I would contribute my breathing to the class, or to yoga. Anyway, the midwife on-call finally came in after they had hooked me up to the fetal and contraction monitors - I was 3cm dilated, 100% effaced, and she was ready to come on out. By this time, the contractions were intense - the midwife had me bending over the bed, swaying my hips from side-to-side while she asked us how we wanted to proceed. I was in so much pain I could barely get the words out, so I'm glad Chris was there and we had discussed what I wanted to do, because he was able to let her know I wanted to go with the narcotics first, epidural once we hit 6-7cm. I believe the narcotic of the night was Stadol and they gave me a shot in the butt of something to help ease any nausea from it. It helped take the edge off, but it still wasn't enough - I needed the epidural, and I needed it NOW. Unfortunately, because of either my moving around to get through contractions, or because the baby just was anywhere but where they wanted her to be, the external heartrate monitor wasn't working well enough, and they weren't getting a good reading on the baby, which they needed before they could give me any anesthetic. Next thing I know, the midwife is performing another internal (4.5cm dilated at this point) and attaching an internal monitor to the baby's head.
I don't remember how long had passed - Chris says about an hour and another cm of dilation - before the anesthesiologist came in to administer the glorious epidural. Sadly, the anesthesiologist was so dry and so cold that instead of explaining to me what she was doing, she decided to question me about my back and ask me if I was ever diagnosed with scoliosis. Seriously. And then she told me she had to put my epi higher than normal because my lower back was so screwed up, and that I should really get that checked out. Sure thing, lady... I'll get right on it. Her putting the epidural higher was actually a blessing in disguise - I couldn't feel from my abdomen to the top of my thighs, but I could still feel/move my toes and legs, so the feeling of helplessness wasn't there to cause any anxiety. Anyway, the epidural was amazing - I honestly have no idea how anyone can give birth without it. The scary thing though was that my blood pressure had apparently dropped, but I was so drugged up that I barely noticed.
Hours passed. Chris and I both napped as we waited for things to move along. I think there was some concern for the baby's heartrate during that time, but nothing that didn't remedy itself. Chris called the immediate family around 6am to let them know we were at the hospital, and that we would give them a call once the baby was born to let them know when they could come up to visit.
A little while later, despite the epidural, I began to feel this intense pressure in my nether regions, which made me feel like I needed to use the bathroom more than anything else. I let the nurse know and she got the midwife to check me out. I was at 9cms - no pushing out the baby yet, which was a little discouraging, but I bided my time. The pressure began to get more unbearable, and pretty soon I wasn't able to breathe through it any longer, and they brought the midwife back in and she checked me -- it was go time.
The only time I threw up during the whole pregnancy was while I was going through transition. The nurse tried to tell me that it was a good sign and that I could start pushing soon... but I still hate throwing up.
So the position of choice was lying at a 45-degree angle with my legs up in the air being supported by my husband and a nursing student who was allowed to come in to assist with the birth. These legs were not going down, because I knew if they did I wouldn't be able to get them back up. It's true what they say about pushing - you can't really practice it, that it's more of an instinct than anything else. Again, I thank the stupid anesthesiologist for moving my epidural up, because being able to feel my contractions and pushing with them definitely helped.
Pushing was absolutely one of the most exhausting things I've ever exerted energy for in my life, and I did it for an hour. Somewhere along the line I was flailing my arms so much that I ripped out my IV, and Chris had to tell the nurses I was in a puddle of blood. There was an oxygen mask involved, and I remember having to take it off now and again because it was just so confining and restricting to my trying to breathe - oh irony. But despite the experience feeling like an eternity, after all my energy was exerted, 8.5 hours later Samantha was born with a full head of hair and the most beautiful cries I had ever heard. They put her on my chest so that I could see her, and the moment she looked up at me with those beautiful eyes, I was in love.
Chris had watched the entire birth - I was so proud of him. He told me I pooped during pushing, but something tells me just about every woman does. It doesn't bother me, nor should it - there were so many other more important things going on!
He even cut the umbilical cord! GO Chris!
Speaking of the umbilical cord, apparently Samantha's had wrapped around her neck, and every time I pushed, it was like a bungee cord effect - she'd come out some, she'd go back in. Earlier they had asked me if I wanted a mirror to see the birth and I refused... I'm glad I did. If I had seen my progress, or lack there of, during my pushing, I think it would have just discouraged and frustrated me in my already exhausted state.
So while Samma was getting cleaned up by the nurses, earning an APGAR score of 8-9, I birthed the placenta, which was just weird yet relaxing at the time time. And I did tear during labor - I had myself a shallow 2nd-degree tear. I remember the midwife using lube and warm compresses while I was pushing, so I can only imagine what would have happened if I didnt have any help down there.
I also remember being asked if I wanted to see the placenta, and I did! It was weird looking, yet exactly how I had seen pictures of it. Because it was anterior, the "me" side was birthed first, where normally it would have been the "baby" side. "It's science."
Finally, when Samantha was all cleaned up and weighed, and I was all sewn up and cleaned out, they gave her back to me so that I could start trying to breastfeed. The girl was a natural and latched right on - it was amazing! I couldn't stop counting her fingers and toes as she lay in my arms.... it just seemed to surrealistic that she was finally here.
However, let's go back a few days, and let me tell you how the story progressed. I warn you now, this may be TMI for some, as it is Sami's birthing story.... you've been warned.
Early in the morning of the Thursday before, I started feeling very period-like cramps, and they progressed throughout the night. I called my midwife a couple of times, and after rest, massage, and a warm shower didn't help, we decided to go up to the hospital to see what was going on. We arrived at the Labor & Delivery triage around 8am Thursday morning and were brought to a curtained off corner relatively soon. They strapped me up to the fetal heartrate monitor, and the midwife on call performed my first internal. At the time, I was only 1cm dialated, 70% effaced, and the baby was very low, but no where near close to actual active labor, so they kept us there to monitor the baby a little bit longer, then sent us on our way, suggesting rest and fluids and just monitoring how I was feeling. I also had a pre-scheduled OB appointment later in the day, so she told me to keep the appointment, have them check me again, and see if there was any progress.
Thursday afternoon I went to my appointment to be checked, after having felt crappy cramps all day, but since there wasn't any bleeding or leaking fluids, no one seemed too worried. I don't know what the midwife did different than the other this time around, but this internal felt like she was reaching in up to her elbow - it hurt SO much more than the one prior in the day, but the verdict was similar to last time: 1cm dialated, 80% effaced at this point, and the baby was at 0 station. Again, rest and relaxation was recommended, and we went home.
Nothing really progressed into Friday, but I just felt so miserable and sore from the day before that I decided to take another day off from work to rest up with the intent to return if all was well on Monday. I cramped on and off on Friday, but nothing like Thursday's issues. And I lost my mucous plug... and it was gross. And I was mucousy, so much so that I opted to wear a pantyliner because I just felt so icky.
Saturday I was miserable. I just felt off, my stomach was upset, and I had very little to no energy to do anything.
Luckily, on Sunday whatever was getting me down on Saturday was gone, and I was full of energy and excitement to get things done and enjoy our first anniversary dinner. I ate the meal without any issue, we walked a couple of blocks, and anything that resembled a cramp was a thing of the past.
Late, late Sunday/early Monday I had gotten up to use the bathroom. As with every other night in the last 6 months of my pregnancy, it took me a while to fall back asleep once I was out of bed. Around 1:20am, in my half asleep haze, I felt a sudden gush and realized my water had broken. I wasn't feeling any contractions so I wasn't panicking too much. I woke Chris up and he worked on changing the bedsheet so that we saved the mattress while I ran into the bathroom to clean up and put on a pad. I called my midwife, and since I wasn't contracting, she didn't seem too concerned. She told me to try to get some sleep, but to plan on coming in between 7-8am and we would go from there. I tried lying down again, but there was so much going through my mind that I decided to get up and try to read. Maybe 15-20 minutes after I hung up with the midwife did the contractions start. Mild at first, they quickly grew to uncomfortable levels. Chris and I tried watching a DVR'd episode of Bridezillas to help get my mind off of everything, but it didn't help - I could barely walk, let alone talk through them, only 10 minutes into the show. By 2:40am we were on our way to the hospital.
The woman at the Labor & Delivery Registration office was a moron. I don't know how many times she had to ask me my name and date of birth, and how many times she said she couldn't find my pre-reg in the system. So here I am, trying to breathe through contractions in the corner of her office, and I'm having to lean over her shoulder and point out, plain as day on her computer screen, my entry. As she was working on admitting me, I noticed she had entered "Rule Out Labor" - it didn't occur to me until we were in the L&D waiting room that she had meant for me to go through triage again... so as I'm hunched over a chair the nurse and this woman are running back and forth trying to fix her mistake. Finally the nurse called my name, and rather than going through the triage doors, we went into the birthing center - it was like a glorious light at the end of a tunnel.
We got into the delivery room and I changed into a johnny, and I swear everything I had learned in our child birthing class went out the damn window... well, I guess I shouldn't say that. We had a "birth plan" and I remembered how to breathe, but I don't know if I would contribute my breathing to the class, or to yoga. Anyway, the midwife on-call finally came in after they had hooked me up to the fetal and contraction monitors - I was 3cm dilated, 100% effaced, and she was ready to come on out. By this time, the contractions were intense - the midwife had me bending over the bed, swaying my hips from side-to-side while she asked us how we wanted to proceed. I was in so much pain I could barely get the words out, so I'm glad Chris was there and we had discussed what I wanted to do, because he was able to let her know I wanted to go with the narcotics first, epidural once we hit 6-7cm. I believe the narcotic of the night was Stadol and they gave me a shot in the butt of something to help ease any nausea from it. It helped take the edge off, but it still wasn't enough - I needed the epidural, and I needed it NOW. Unfortunately, because of either my moving around to get through contractions, or because the baby just was anywhere but where they wanted her to be, the external heartrate monitor wasn't working well enough, and they weren't getting a good reading on the baby, which they needed before they could give me any anesthetic. Next thing I know, the midwife is performing another internal (4.5cm dilated at this point) and attaching an internal monitor to the baby's head.
I don't remember how long had passed - Chris says about an hour and another cm of dilation - before the anesthesiologist came in to administer the glorious epidural. Sadly, the anesthesiologist was so dry and so cold that instead of explaining to me what she was doing, she decided to question me about my back and ask me if I was ever diagnosed with scoliosis. Seriously. And then she told me she had to put my epi higher than normal because my lower back was so screwed up, and that I should really get that checked out. Sure thing, lady... I'll get right on it. Her putting the epidural higher was actually a blessing in disguise - I couldn't feel from my abdomen to the top of my thighs, but I could still feel/move my toes and legs, so the feeling of helplessness wasn't there to cause any anxiety. Anyway, the epidural was amazing - I honestly have no idea how anyone can give birth without it. The scary thing though was that my blood pressure had apparently dropped, but I was so drugged up that I barely noticed.
Hours passed. Chris and I both napped as we waited for things to move along. I think there was some concern for the baby's heartrate during that time, but nothing that didn't remedy itself. Chris called the immediate family around 6am to let them know we were at the hospital, and that we would give them a call once the baby was born to let them know when they could come up to visit.
A little while later, despite the epidural, I began to feel this intense pressure in my nether regions, which made me feel like I needed to use the bathroom more than anything else. I let the nurse know and she got the midwife to check me out. I was at 9cms - no pushing out the baby yet, which was a little discouraging, but I bided my time. The pressure began to get more unbearable, and pretty soon I wasn't able to breathe through it any longer, and they brought the midwife back in and she checked me -- it was go time.
The only time I threw up during the whole pregnancy was while I was going through transition. The nurse tried to tell me that it was a good sign and that I could start pushing soon... but I still hate throwing up.
So the position of choice was lying at a 45-degree angle with my legs up in the air being supported by my husband and a nursing student who was allowed to come in to assist with the birth. These legs were not going down, because I knew if they did I wouldn't be able to get them back up. It's true what they say about pushing - you can't really practice it, that it's more of an instinct than anything else. Again, I thank the stupid anesthesiologist for moving my epidural up, because being able to feel my contractions and pushing with them definitely helped.
Pushing was absolutely one of the most exhausting things I've ever exerted energy for in my life, and I did it for an hour. Somewhere along the line I was flailing my arms so much that I ripped out my IV, and Chris had to tell the nurses I was in a puddle of blood. There was an oxygen mask involved, and I remember having to take it off now and again because it was just so confining and restricting to my trying to breathe - oh irony. But despite the experience feeling like an eternity, after all my energy was exerted, 8.5 hours later Samantha was born with a full head of hair and the most beautiful cries I had ever heard. They put her on my chest so that I could see her, and the moment she looked up at me with those beautiful eyes, I was in love.
Chris had watched the entire birth - I was so proud of him. He told me I pooped during pushing, but something tells me just about every woman does. It doesn't bother me, nor should it - there were so many other more important things going on!
He even cut the umbilical cord! GO Chris!
Speaking of the umbilical cord, apparently Samantha's had wrapped around her neck, and every time I pushed, it was like a bungee cord effect - she'd come out some, she'd go back in. Earlier they had asked me if I wanted a mirror to see the birth and I refused... I'm glad I did. If I had seen my progress, or lack there of, during my pushing, I think it would have just discouraged and frustrated me in my already exhausted state.
So while Samma was getting cleaned up by the nurses, earning an APGAR score of 8-9, I birthed the placenta, which was just weird yet relaxing at the time time. And I did tear during labor - I had myself a shallow 2nd-degree tear. I remember the midwife using lube and warm compresses while I was pushing, so I can only imagine what would have happened if I didnt have any help down there.
I also remember being asked if I wanted to see the placenta, and I did! It was weird looking, yet exactly how I had seen pictures of it. Because it was anterior, the "me" side was birthed first, where normally it would have been the "baby" side. "It's science."
Finally, when Samantha was all cleaned up and weighed, and I was all sewn up and cleaned out, they gave her back to me so that I could start trying to breastfeed. The girl was a natural and latched right on - it was amazing! I couldn't stop counting her fingers and toes as she lay in my arms.... it just seemed to surrealistic that she was finally here.
We eventually moved up to our postpartum room around 1pm, with family coming to visit at 2pm.
Despite everything, for a first timer, I was lucky my experience was what it was. With early labor happening for 4 days, active labor lasting for 8.5 hours, with only 1 hour of pushing and minimal damage... I don't think I could have asked for anything more, and the prize was well worth it. ;)
Sunday, September 19, 2010
38 weeks... and counting?
(so I had started this post on Sunday, but I didn't get a chance to finish it because we were running out to have our anniversary dinner. But at least I got one last good picture in because.... *points to next post*)

38 weeks today, and nothing is crazier than realizing there's only 14-21 days left to go... but oh, we are so ready, and this past week has been a prime example.
38 weeks today, and nothing is crazier than realizing there's only 14-21 days left to go... but oh, we are so ready, and this past week has been a prime example.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
37 weeks - Full Term Baby!
37 weeks is, in fact, full term. And that is a scary concept. Which means that in 3-4 weeks, or less, BabyBaby will be here. Not that we're not ready, because trust me, I am SO ready, but it just seems surreal. We've done all this prep work and everything, and clearly I've been dealing with the pregnancy for the last 9 months, but it just seems like it's never going to happen... it's a very strange feeling.
And how is baby looking this month? She's a watermelon! Nom...

It is weird though... I never thought I would be seeing this picture on my ticker. I mean, look at those number ranges! 18.9-20.9 inches?? 6.2 - 9.2 lbs??! Those are full-term baby numbers! AHHHH!!!!!
And now, it's time for a monthly survey:
Total Weight Gain/Loss: As of my 36 week appointment last Tuesday, I had officially hit 35 lbs. I'm ok with this though, because between 34 and 36 weeks I had only gained 1 pound. We'll see how everything weighs out on Thursday for my 37 week appointment.
Maternity Clothes: I've lost one pair of maternity pants to my thighs. The black Old Navy maternity khakis I've purchased just won't pull up anymore, no matter how hard I've tried. I fear the brown and the tan ones of the same style are soon to follow. So I've been alternating between two of the same pair of stretchy maternity pants I got on sale at Motherhood Maternity. They're loose, their all elastic wasitband, and so far they're still comfy. I will say, I hope she arrives soon though - I don't have many fallish clothes, and would love to stick with what I have for the next couple of weeks. Of course, I do have that whole laundry basket full of clothes borrowed from Angel, but going through them now is going to take effort and energy I just don't have :(
Stretch Marks: Ugh, I'm never going to be able to wear non-maternity shorts ever again. Or a bathing suit for that matter. These bad boys have been spreading all the way down my thighs to my calves... it sucks.
Sleep: Sleep? What's sleep? Oh, you mean those 1-2 hour naps I've been having when the sun goes down... yeah, let's just call it practice for when BabyBaby gets here. But really, its been hard. I was sick over this past weekend, so there went that sleep. I can rarely find a comfy position on my side, and I'm constantly waking up to use the bathroom. It's a little sad... just one restless night before BabyBaby gets here is all I ask...
Movement: Lately she only moves when I don't. Be it sitting at my desk at work, while I'm lying down watching TV, or in bed trying to fall asleep... only then does she decide it's a good time to begin her twists and turns.
Maternity Clothes: I've lost one pair of maternity pants to my thighs. The black Old Navy maternity khakis I've purchased just won't pull up anymore, no matter how hard I've tried. I fear the brown and the tan ones of the same style are soon to follow. So I've been alternating between two of the same pair of stretchy maternity pants I got on sale at Motherhood Maternity. They're loose, their all elastic wasitband, and so far they're still comfy. I will say, I hope she arrives soon though - I don't have many fallish clothes, and would love to stick with what I have for the next couple of weeks. Of course, I do have that whole laundry basket full of clothes borrowed from Angel, but going through them now is going to take effort and energy I just don't have :(
Stretch Marks: Ugh, I'm never going to be able to wear non-maternity shorts ever again. Or a bathing suit for that matter. These bad boys have been spreading all the way down my thighs to my calves... it sucks.
Sleep: Sleep? What's sleep? Oh, you mean those 1-2 hour naps I've been having when the sun goes down... yeah, let's just call it practice for when BabyBaby gets here. But really, its been hard. I was sick over this past weekend, so there went that sleep. I can rarely find a comfy position on my side, and I'm constantly waking up to use the bathroom. It's a little sad... just one restless night before BabyBaby gets here is all I ask...
Movement: Lately she only moves when I don't. Be it sitting at my desk at work, while I'm lying down watching TV, or in bed trying to fall asleep... only then does she decide it's a good time to begin her twists and turns.
Food Cravings/Aversions: I still want to eat everything.
Gender: Still a girl - I hope! Not going to lie, this is still a HUGE fear of mine, just because it would be my luck to have all her clothes and the nursery completed, to find out she's a boy. And it can happen, yo! One of the girls on my October '10 Moms board had it happen to her in an ultrasound a few weeks out from her EDD. I mean, granted, sure we got the money shot, and had the same thing confirmed to us with 2 ultrasounds, 2 techs, and a doctor... but I still can't help but be nervous!
Belly Button In or Out: not in or out. flush with my belly... it's weird.
What I Miss: I miss wearing my wedding ring, especially since our anniversary is this weekend.
What I am Looking Forward To: my 37 week appointment so I can tell them how I've been feeling and see if they'll bump up the start of my internals.
Best Moment This Week: TMI - starting to lose the mucus plug.
Labor Signs: My back's been killing me lately, and I've been crampy, and, like I said, I've been starting to see the stringy clear discharge that most likely was my mucus plug, but these could all be circumstantial...
Gender: Still a girl - I hope! Not going to lie, this is still a HUGE fear of mine, just because it would be my luck to have all her clothes and the nursery completed, to find out she's a boy. And it can happen, yo! One of the girls on my October '10 Moms board had it happen to her in an ultrasound a few weeks out from her EDD. I mean, granted, sure we got the money shot, and had the same thing confirmed to us with 2 ultrasounds, 2 techs, and a doctor... but I still can't help but be nervous!
Belly Button In or Out: not in or out. flush with my belly... it's weird.
What I Miss: I miss wearing my wedding ring, especially since our anniversary is this weekend.
What I am Looking Forward To: my 37 week appointment so I can tell them how I've been feeling and see if they'll bump up the start of my internals.
Best Moment This Week: TMI - starting to lose the mucus plug.
Labor Signs: My back's been killing me lately, and I've been crampy, and, like I said, I've been starting to see the stringy clear discharge that most likely was my mucus plug, but these could all be circumstantial...
Saturday, September 11, 2010
food for thought... diapers
I saw this on my October '10 Moms board, so I figured I would transcribe it here for future reference:
Newborn: 60.41 diapers/week (approx. time in this size is 2 weeks)
Size 1: 61.18 diapers/week (approx. time 2 months)
Size 2: 53.2 diapers/week (approx. time 3.5 months)
Size 3: 45.99 diapers/week (approx. time 6.5 months)
Size 4: 39.62 diapers/week (approx. time 10 months)
Size 5: 35.21 diapers/week (approx. time 16.5 months)
Speaking of October '10 Moms - I have a Labor Buddy! What does this mean, you might ask? Well, it means that I've connected with someone who is having her baby close to but not at the same time at myself, who will keep the other October Moms up to speed once I go into labor, and vice versa. It's kinda neat. And a great way to make a new friend. =)
Friday, September 10, 2010
boob class
Last night, Chris and I subjected ourselves to a prenatal breastfeeding class at Sout Shore Hospital. Honestly, it was very informative. They taught us the biology of it all, the different positions for nursing, gave us a rundown of pumping, and let us know about the resources that are out there if, for some reason, we need them once we leave the hospital.
Why am I so concerned about breastfeeding? Well, maybe it's because none of the women in my family have been able to, for one reason or another. Plus, the benefits of breastmilk far outweight formula, so if I can give that to my baby, even for a week or two, I will. Not to mention, the amount of $money$ it will save!
So in the meantime, I'm letting my nipples air dry, not washing them with soap, and just hoping for the best once she gets here.... because I know you all wanted to know exactly what I was going to be doing to prep!
Why am I so concerned about breastfeeding? Well, maybe it's because none of the women in my family have been able to, for one reason or another. Plus, the benefits of breastmilk far outweight formula, so if I can give that to my baby, even for a week or two, I will. Not to mention, the amount of $money$ it will save!
So in the meantime, I'm letting my nipples air dry, not washing them with soap, and just hoping for the best once she gets here.... because I know you all wanted to know exactly what I was going to be doing to prep!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
BabyBaby's outfit
Now that the bags are all packed, I realized I never showed off BabyBaby's coming home outfits! 'Tis time to remedy that...
I say outfits because I honestly just have no idea how big she's going to be once she's born. I have a hunch that she's going to be smaller, and will be able to fit into the Newborn, 5-8lbs clothing... but then again, I could be wrong, and she could be larger than anticipated, and then she'd definitely need a 0-3 month outfit, so we're going to have all the bases covered, just in case!
This is a Carter's layette gift set - I purchased this at Babies R Us and it's really one of the only Newborn outfits I have for her. The set includes the onesie/sleeper, hat, bib, and booties. The label on the sleeper says "Little Princess"
0-3 months:
My mom bought this for me at The Children's Place - I swear we cleaned out their newborn layette section! This outfit includes a onesie with matching pants and hoodie, a hat and socks. The hoodie has the cutest ladybug/bees on it ever.
The Hospital Bag(s)
And the bags are just about ready to go!
I think I need only a few more things, including Chris' deodorant and a back massager, and then I THINK we're good!
So here's the running list... I hope I'm not forgetting anything.
For during labor:
*camera, battery charger
*camcorder, battery charger
*sugar-free candies
*lip balm
*hair elastics
For after labor:
*2 nursing tanks
*1 nursing bra
*crappy underwears
*2 pairs PJ pants
*1 pair comfy slipper socks
*flip flops
*a lightweight robe
*a zip-up hoodie
*nursing pads
*BoppyFor BabyBaby:
*coming home outfits (one newborn, one 0-3months)
*receiving blanket
I hope that's everything I'm going to need -- if you can think of anything else, please let me know!
my last biweekly OB appointment
Actually, there isn't anything to report. I know that should be a good thing, but it almost feels anti-climatic at this time.
Blood pressure is good. Took my Group Strep B test, and will find out the results at my next appointment.
BabyBaby is measuring at 35.5 weeks per the fundal height. If she wants to stay small, I'm not complaining. Her heartbeat is at 135bpms, so everything is looking good!
She's still head down, which is good, and no one's said anything about her still be posterior, so I'm going to assume she's spun around? I mean, I would think if she was still posterior, they would want to mention it to me to make sure I was doing what I could to get her to face the right way... right? Of course, I could always ask at my next appointment, but I keep forgetting. I did write myself a note for next time, so hopefully the answer is good!
I did ask about when they started internals. She told me 39 weeks, so there's a chance I could very well go into labor without any idea it's coming. Of course, she also reminded me that 50% of pregnancies go 6 days beyond the EDD. So much for my wishful thinking!
Oh, I forgot to mention -- I only gained one pound in the last two weeks! This is a good sign -- this means that BabyBaby is pretty much almost close to being her full-term size, and I shouldn't expect much more of a gain. This ALSO means that I maintained my goal of NOT hitting 200lbs during my pregnancy. w000t! Of course, I was just reading about this in What to Expect over the weekend, and they said that some mothers actually LOSE weight in their last couple of weeks.. HAHA I could be so lucky!
Other than all that, she said I can keep working, exercising, and doing everything I've been doing up to this point-- so looks like that means no bedrest is on the horizon for me. For shame... though I think I would go crazy. I'm already going stir-crazy and I still have permission to move!
Blood pressure is good. Took my Group Strep B test, and will find out the results at my next appointment.
BabyBaby is measuring at 35.5 weeks per the fundal height. If she wants to stay small, I'm not complaining. Her heartbeat is at 135bpms, so everything is looking good!
She's still head down, which is good, and no one's said anything about her still be posterior, so I'm going to assume she's spun around? I mean, I would think if she was still posterior, they would want to mention it to me to make sure I was doing what I could to get her to face the right way... right? Of course, I could always ask at my next appointment, but I keep forgetting. I did write myself a note for next time, so hopefully the answer is good!
I did ask about when they started internals. She told me 39 weeks, so there's a chance I could very well go into labor without any idea it's coming. Of course, she also reminded me that 50% of pregnancies go 6 days beyond the EDD. So much for my wishful thinking!
Oh, I forgot to mention -- I only gained one pound in the last two weeks! This is a good sign -- this means that BabyBaby is pretty much almost close to being her full-term size, and I shouldn't expect much more of a gain. This ALSO means that I maintained my goal of NOT hitting 200lbs during my pregnancy. w000t! Of course, I was just reading about this in What to Expect over the weekend, and they said that some mothers actually LOSE weight in their last couple of weeks.. HAHA I could be so lucky!
Other than all that, she said I can keep working, exercising, and doing everything I've been doing up to this point-- so looks like that means no bedrest is on the horizon for me. For shame... though I think I would go crazy. I'm already going stir-crazy and I still have permission to move!
Monday, September 6, 2010
The Nursery: Done & Done!
I finished up some final details today, but I can now happily say that the nursery is complete! All it needs is BabyBaby to come home, and we are ready to go!
Behind the door we decided to have the coat rack that used to be in our front hallway. Personally, I think it's going to work better here, to hold the baby bags and such when we aren't needing them. Plus it's white, so it just goes.
The bookcase is now home to all of the books we received from the shower, as well as a couple of baskets we have for the storage of items such as blankets and sheets.
And in this corner, we have one of the most comfortable rockers and ottomans ever... I like to call this Mom's corner.
The frames on the wall are the 3 different scenes from the wallpaper border. We didn't want to have to deal with wallpaper ever again, so we figured framing the pictures would just be so much easier.
The nightstand has become home to my books as of late. When I wake up at 5:30am and just can't get back to sleep, I have found that reading by the lamplight in the rocker helps. And can we talk about how adorable it's going to be when BabyBaby is big enough to sit in that chair?? Sadly I don't have a picture for the Hello Kitty frame yet but I'm hoping to have one made up as soon as BabyBaby is born.
I love the crib. I currently have the quilt hanging over the back for the aesthetic value, but I'll most likely move it either to the back of the rocker, or to the wall once the baby starts sleeping in there. Also, the bumpers will most likely come off - I attempted to put that crib sheet on while the bumpers were tied on and it wasn't happening. Untying them and retying them every time a sheet needs to get changed is not going to be fun, so I see myself losing patience with them very fast. But in the meantime, they look cute!
The closet is full. Seriously. I don't know where I'm going to put any more clothes. Of course, as of right now there's no rhyme or reason to them, but as soon as I get those Hello Kitty closet dividers, I'll have another task to take upon myself. I just hope they come sooner than later. =X
I think the dresser was one of the best purchases we made. And the fact that we found one where we were both comfy enough to use it as the changing table is another great plus. So the drawers are filled with onesies and sleepers and other items that I couldn't fit in the closet, while the top of the dresser is ready with the changing pad, the wipes, diapers, and Buttpaste. And let's not forget, BabyBaby gets her very own hamper!
And above the dresser we hung a white shelf I was able to find at the Christmas Tree Shop. I don't know how sturdy it's going to be, so for now it only has stuffed animals... and that's enough. Not to mention, those stuffed animals up there are just a portion of what she already has.
So there you have it! I think it truly has become my favorite room in the house now... I will go in there and just sit and look around and smile. SO excited!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
36 weeks.
Where the hell has the time gone??!
36 weeks.... 28 days to go. 4 weeks. Just one more week, and BabyBaby is welcome any time!
And I'm ready. She's dropping lower by the day, I swear... there's a lot of pressure on what feels like everything in my lower abdomen and sometimes it's pretty uncomfy. I've had a couple of Braxton Hicks in the last few days, but nothing that's really got me thinking that something - anything - is going to happen soon. I have my 36-week appointment so hopefully they'll be able to shed some light on her current progress.
All in all, I think we're pretty much all set for her arrival. The nursery is more or less finished - just a couple more details to clean up, and I think it will be picture ready by tomorrow!
Loki approves of the nursery decor...
Today, my friend JW asked me what else we needed to get.... and I really think we might be all set. I'm looking at my registry now, and everything that's left on it is pretty ancillary. I might want to get another changing pad cover, and the Boppy pad liners for extra protection. The breast pump/feeding accessories can wait until we get home from the hospital and we're absolutely sure I'll be breastfeeding. We WILL need the high chair for sure, but that can wait until we get the registry completion coupon and she's at least 6 months oldish. The only other thing that I really really want that we didn't receive it a mat for tummy time. I know a lot of people just use blankets, but with the dog hair and everything that is inevitably going to be on the floor, the more protection the better. Sadly, we won't be getting that registry completion coupon until 2 weeks prior to our due date, but I do have plenty of 20% off coupons... hmm....
Luckily tomorrow is Labor Day, which means no work, and hopefully, no baby... yet. ;p Nothing is planned, and I'm ok with that! More time to focus on tying up loose ends around the house while we still can!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Recap: Shower #2 -- The Big One
And when I say "the big one" I mean it -- my mother and my sister totally outdid themselves again! That and there were well over 40 people in attendance...
I was asked to come over at Noon last weekend, an hour before the other guests arrived, so that I could see the magic they performed before anyone else showed up, and on my, what wonders they procured!
Clotheslines of baby clothes were strung all along the walls of my parents' family room... some of the stuff I had shown my mother over the last few months, most of it was a surprise...
Chris' cousin Laureen made the diaper cake...
... and a baby bootie bouquet. So talented and so awesome.
My friend Krissy had asked a co-worker of hers to make me a cake... yes, that is Hello Kitty wrapped up in a baby blanket. SO cute!
And then there was the BabyBaby cake:
Courtesy of Konditor Meister in Braintree, MA, the same place we got our wedding shower cake. And just as before, it was white cake with Strawberry Grande Marnier filling. And see that huge mound of frosting roses in the middle? Yeah, the WHOLE mound is one big pile of frosting. Crazy!
And don't get me started about the actual presents! Everyone was very generous...
WAY too generous... it took me at least an hour, if not more, to open all of these gifts! I started feeling bad because people had to leave mid-opening, and then I felt guilty for taking too long =(
A few key presents that I would love to note:
A quilt from my Niners that brought me to tears
a LOST-themed onesie, again thanks to Chris' cousin Laureen
Everybody Poops. A family staple.
If you want to see pictures of me opening present by present, the link to the Facebook album is here.
Speaking of Everybody Poops, my sister was awesome with this -- apparently, she asked guests to bring a child's book rather than a card to help build BabyBaby's reading library, and the amount of books we received was amazing! The best part was, not a single one was a duplicate- Yay spreadsheets!
This was just the beginning...
All in all, a great party - a little overwhelming at times, and I was definitely tired by the end of the day, but we are so thankful for the family and friends we have. Now if only I can get my ass in gear and start writing those Thank You notes...
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