Friday, July 30, 2010
Daycare is go!
Another bonus - we initially thought we wouldn't be able to get her in until February 2011, but in talking to the director yesterday, and finding out about a new infant room they're going to be adding to the center, there's a chance we could get her in there by January 2011, which was our initial ideal plan. Fingers crossed!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
The Birth Plan: Revised?
Crazy, I know... but hear me out.
Initially I was all about the full on drugs... lemme get to 3cm and then stick an epidural in me, and I'm done! But now, not so much...
Once I learned that the high c-section rate at my hospital was directly related to the epidural rate, my mind quickly ventured down other avenues.
Now the plan is for a pain shot of Nubain (similar to Demerol) until about 6cms, to make sure I have an active labor pattern in place, and THEN we'll go for the epidural.
Wishful thinking, I know. They say the best birth plan is to not have a birth plan at all, but hey, at least it's something!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
yay anterior placenta!

30 WEEKS!!!
First belly picture in front of the new nursery wall - yay!
And what kind of fruit/veggie is BabyBaby this week? A squash!

Actually at this point the fruits/veggies are on a month-to-month basis, so I have a few more weeks of squash-ness.
And now that there are 10 weeks left, I guess now is as good of a time as any to finally start answering that pregnancy blog questionnaire I've seen floating around, so here goes... (Thanks, JCam, since you were the first one I noticed to use it!)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I have gained 28 lbs. The doctor told me 15-25... oops.
Maternity Clothes: Oh yes, though my pants are starting to get tight. I just can't bring myself to buy another pair of pants that I'm only going to be wearing for a couple months.
Stretch Marks: The ones on the belly are getting longer and much more noticeable. I have 3-4 on either side of my belly button right now, and it's gross. They're also showing up on the inside of my thighs.
Sleep: It's getting very, very hard. Between the temperature and the joint pains and just the trouble breathing, it's making for long nights and miserable days
Movement: Yup, and I learned that as my placenta is anterior, the movements may not be as strong or as often because of the extra cushion between me and the uterus, so that makes me feel better.
Food Cravings/Aversions: Salt & Vinegar potato chips! I hate them, but if there's an open bag near me I can't stop eating them!
Gender: BabyBaby is a girl - we've had two different techs and a doctor confirm it.
Belly Button In or Out: It's still in, but getting shallower and stretching.
What I Miss: Sushi and real coffee and alcohol.
What I am Looking Forward To: Right now, getting the nursery done.
Best Moment This Week: Seeing BabyBaby again on the ultrasound, finding out I don't have a placenta previa, and to hear that everything is looking perfect.
Labor Signs: None. Yet, anyway. And let's hope it stays that way for another 7 weeks.
Friday, July 23, 2010
an update about work...
I let them know my absolute last day will be Friday, October 1, 2010, unless something happens before then.
They OK'd my request for a 12-week maternity leave, so my first day back won't be until Monday, January 3, 2011. And they'll let me use my saved vacation and sick time towards it as soon as I officially leave.
And when I come back in January, they'll let me have a 4-day work week with Thursdays off.
My mom also got the OK that she could have a 4-day work week as well, with Tuesdays off.
We sent an email to the daycare center, hoping they still had the Feb '11 spot open. If not, then we'll put ourselves on the waiting list and hope for the best.
But things are finally getting done, and I finally feel more comfortable that I can start making legit plans and cross things off my list. Yay.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Dermatologist Follow-up
Luckily, my bloodwork from the OB's office came back fine, so we now know the rash isn't because of anything serious having to do with my liver or my gall bladder or anything like that.
Bad news it that, since it is PUPPPs, it's going to be with me for the duration of the pregnancy. The NP at the dermatologist's office seemed sympathetic because I "have a ways to go" but for some reason, 10 weeks, give or take, doesn't seem that long to me. *shrug*
Anyway, I'm supposed to be weaning myself off of the steroids now. Since the chest is no loner bothering me, I'm not going to be using it there anymore, but for the other areas on my arms and belly and legs, they only get 2 weeks tops then its no more steriods. Apparently the ointment can cause the skin to thin... eww.
So now I'm on the search for more natural and/or homeopathic anti-itch and skin irritation remedies. Though I'm not one for baths, I do have Aveno on the list. I also picked up a bar of Grandpa's Pine Tar Soap from GNC after my appointment today, so we'll see how that works. Other than that, Tea Tree Oil seems to be another good suggestion, so I might need to make a trip to LUSH and The Body Shop next payday!
Finally looking pregnant!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Nursery Update #1 -- The Painting
more presents have arrived!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
29 weeks

In other news, we went to a Carseat 101 class at Babies R Us last night. It was all right, but definitely informative. So much so, we added a forward-facing carseat to the registry because we have a feeling BabyBaby is going to have her father's height and grow out of the infant seat before she hits 35lbs.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
In other news....
So, let me tell you about MY day...
A little backstory: Monday night I started feeling really itchy in my cleavage (this is prolly gonna be TMI from here on out...) and come Tuesday it was just obnoxious, so I called my OB's office and talk to the nurse. They thought it could be fungal, so they told me to wash with Selsun Blue and use Gold Bond cream to take the itch out, and if it didnt get better in a couple of days, call them back.
Fastforward a couple of days: Yesterday the rash that was in my cleavage spread further on, under, and around my boobs and up my chest, prolly to about my collarbone, and OMG was it itchy. So itchy, in fact, that it kept me up a majority of last night, and the only relief I got was alternating between cold compresses and appling the cream. Not to mention, the rash spread to a spot on my lower back, so it clearly wasn't getting anywhere near better.
I told work I was going to be late this morning, because the last thing I want to do is talk about a rash on my boobs in the office, and I got in touch with the nurse as soon as I could this morning. Luckily it was the same one I had talked to on Tuesday, so she helped me get an appointment first thing this morning with the OB... of course, it was 25 minutes away, but hey, I'll take what I can get.
The OB had no idea what it was. She didnt even want to speculate what it may or may not be, and said my best bet would be to see a dermatologist asap. The OB's office called the dermatologist that I used to see before the wedding, and luckily enough they were able to see me this afternoon, which is VERY rare for this practice. So another 25 minute drive and I was back closer to home and waiting at the dermatologist's office.
The nurse practitioner has no idea what it was. She definitely ruled out fungal, but she didnt want to make any more assumptions before the doctor looked at me, especially being 28.5 weeks pregnant. So she went and got the doctor and they both looked me over like I was a medical specimen, I swear.
The doctor thinks it's PUPPS... basically it's a pregnancy rash that is supposed to occur closer to the end of the pregnancy, where your body basically has an allergic reaction to the fetus... it it doesnt go away until the baby is born. She's not 100% sure though, where this rash began on my chest, and PUPPS starts on the belly and works its way out. She did say, however, that if it is, it's bound to start spreading to my belly and to my arms... so she wants to see me in a week. They also prescribed me a topical steroid, Benedryll, and oatmeal bath compresses. Of course, the nurse wanted me to check with my OB to make sure the steroid was going to be OK, and lucky me, the OB's office I normally get to was only a suite down from the dermatologist.
So I walk in and explain everything to the receptionist, and she's uber-skeptical because of my walk in that the nurse will see me right away... well lucky me, this is the same nurse I'd been dealing with these last few days, and when she finally saw my chest I swear her eyes popped out of her chest. I explained to her what the dermatologist said, and the moment I mentioned PUPPS she ordered bloodwork to be done so that we can hopefully cross it off the list, so there I was, exhausted, dehydrated, and hungry, now giving blood randomly at my OB's office.
And the phlebotomist had to poke me twice. =(
So I went to the drug store, got my drugs, stopped at the pizza place on the way home and ordered some cheesy breadsticks, and here I am... ready to get off my feet and sleep the rest of the day away.
I won't get the bloodtest results back for another 4 days or so, but I'm really just hoping I'm not going to have to deal with this damn rash for the rest of my pregnancy... it's driving me crazy as it is now, I can only imagine how it's going to be in a few weeks.
I just have to keep reminding myself that this is all worth it, and the prize at the end if going to be the best prize ever!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
28 Weeks Later...
Between sore joints when sleeping, an aching back waking me up at night, and now this rash growing between my boobs, I'm pretty much ready for this pregnancy to be over, right about now...
The only solution to the joints it rest.
The only solution to the aching back is a heating pad.
And so far, the only solution to the rash is washing it with Selsun Blue and rubbing Gold Bond cream on it... my midwife said that if it doesnt go away in a couple of days they want to see me, but they think it's fungal, and OMG is it itchy...
I also went to the dentist yesterday, and had the most bloodiest gums ever. I know it's all part of the fun pregnancy package, but I felt wicked back for my hygenist. Plus, its just gross...
And we inquired with HugsPlus about getting on the 3-day waiting list. They said they have an opening starting in February. 1) I don't know if I can even get a day off during the week yet, and 2) What will we do for the month of January?? I hate feeling like I'm between a rock and a hard place... and I won't have a better idea of where I stand until my meeting with the partners next week.
Friday, July 9, 2010
*happy dance*
I just received a call from my OB's office telling me I passed the 1-hour glucose test with flying colors!
... ok, so maybe I called them first, left a message in the nurse's mailbox, and they got back to me.... but still!
Platelets and iron also look great, so I am on the right track to being a healthy mama with a healthy baby!
No gestational diabetes for me - w000t!!!
Yesterday was my glucose tolerance test (GTT for short - reminds me of a 90s child star) and it wasn't as bad as I was thinking it was going to be. It went a little something like this:
A month ago at my last appointment they gave me a little 10oz bottle of orange liquid (it was that or lemonlime) that needed to be drunk an hour before the test to see how my body would process the sugar, and that little bottle has been chilling in my fridge for the same month. It reminded me of those teenie tiny barrel drinks we used to have over the summers when we were kids - good thing I chose to have orange since that was one of my favorite flavors. Said drink needed to be completed in 5-10 minutes 45 minutes before my 8:15am appointment, so doing the math, I was drinking the most sugary sweet concoction at 7:20am... talk about a sugar high.
I got to my appointment right on time, did my business, weighed myself (yikes) and sat down with the nurse with 10 minutes to spare before my blood draw. She said there wasn't any sugar passed in my urine, so that was a good sign - not a true sign that I was going to pass the GTT - but a good sign nonetheless. The nurse was surprised with my jump in weight ("Wow, you did go up this month!") but the midwife didnt say anything so I'm just going to keep chuggin' along.
The blood draw wasn't that bad... once for the GTT, another to make sure I'm not anemic, and a third for something - I don't remember. I'm glad I ate an egg first thing, because I could feel myself getting slightly lightheaded, but no stars... or maybe that was just my usual blood-giving anxiety.
My monthly appointment went well - the midwife said BabyBaby is measuring at 28 weeks, which is only a few days ahead of schedule, so that works for me! And her heartbeat is in the healthy 150s - it's such a great feeling hearing it every time! I panicked a little, though... the first doppler she tried to use was completely broken and wasn't picking up anything! She must had seen the worry on my face because she assure me there wasn't anything wrong, and went to get a new doppler. Still nervewracking... stupid machinery.
And then there's the issue of the low-lying placenta. Back when we had our little scare, this was something else that came up on the ultrasounds. It appears that the placenta is quite close to the cervix - not covering, but enough to cause minor concern. Of course, everyone said that the only way it can move as the baby gets bigger is away from the cervix, so no one seemed too worried. My midwife still wanted me to have another ultrasound to make sure it's moved safely away, but since maternal-fetal medicine at the hospital never told me to go on any kind of pelvic rest when I was there for the level 2, then there most likely isn't an issue. Fine with me - I'm just excited I'm going to be able to see BabyBaby again!
AND I've graduated to biweekly OB appointments, so my next one is two weeks from Monday, so I'll have the ultrasound when I go then. Plus, I'll be seeing my favorite midwife, so I'm pretty psyched!
But beyond all that good news, other than the usual joint pains and headaches, things are going well. She's lying low, so my back and sciatic nerve are starting to give me problems, especially when I have to get up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, but thanks to Angel's body Boppy, sleep has been comfy.
Chris has also finally felt a kick! 1 kick, but he's felt it nonetheless. She's active, but not really one a schedule - the doctor said this is ok, so long as I'm feeling something daily, so it makes me feel better.
So yeah... thats my story. Now I'm just waiting for the call back from the OB's office to let me know how the GTT went, and then I can start enjoying my weekend! I should know when they get the results back around 2pm, so keep your fingers crossed!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
3rd trimester, and the evil that is heat
This past weekend, however, was the 4th of July weekend, and dear gods, was it hot. I'm not going to lie - I was incredibly uncomfortable. All I could do was drink water and then pee it out... food didn't even seem like a good idea because the last thing I wanted was a bothersome stomach.
I am grateful for our central AC, though - lemme tell you that! Of course, Chris is starting to freak me out with hypotheticals about the AC breaking because it's been blasting non-stop during this heatwave.... I would die.
This coming weekend is our Maine trip with friends, and talk about dying if there's no AC. We're staying in condo-like cabins up in northern Maine, and of course it didn't occur to me until this weekend that there is a chance they might not be AC'd... yikes. At least it's going to be cooler up there, and there's a pool... and I'd be really surprised if the main lodge wasn't AC'd... but then there's also the 4.5 hour car ride up. How many times do you think we're going to have to stop so that I can use the bathroom? Good times.
And I went outlet shopping yesterday - I only bought one outfit for BabyBaby, so I'm getting better! I also purchase a pair of maternity yoga pants for myself, and the Vera Bradley outlet had a bottle cooler that matched the same pattern as the Baby Bag I have - woot!
Its the littlest things that make me happy these days...
Monday, July 5, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
doctors and stuff
I also registered us for a carseat workshop at Babies R Us at the end of the month. Supposedly they run through all the different types of carseats out there, and when you need to change them up and why... should be interesting, seeing that neither of us really have any experience with anything careseat related. Hopefully we'll get something out of it (and maybe some swag to boot!)
I went to prenatal yoga again last night with my friend Lily - have someone to go with makes me want to go more often, but I was thinking about it. They gym offers a $100/10 class punchcard, which would save me $5 a class, but I was looking at the upcoming schedule and our childbirthing classes start in 2 weeks, which knocks out 5 Wednesdays in a row... so if I start counting all the remaining Wednesdays I have left, it brings me right up to Week 40. Yikes. Scary. And no, I don't think I'll be wanting to do yoga as much towards the end of the 3rd trimester either, so I don't know. What I DO know is that I have a prenatal yoga DVD at home that is just begging to be opened, so I think I might partake first thing Saturday morning...
Beyond that, the end of the 2nd trimester is fast approaching, it's the beginning of July, and the reality that Ocotber is only 3 months away is a little rattling. Not that I'm nervous about being a mother... no, I'm just starting to get nervous about labor and delivery. I'm trying to tell myself that all I need to do is endure those bad period-like cramps until I can get an epidural... but then I have to remind myself that it might not be that easy. Something could not be quite right, and next thing I know I'm on my way in for a C-Section... *shudder* I'm really hoping going with a midwife will help me do everything I possibly can to avoid that, because if I have to be awake while they're literally cutting me open, I might have an anxiety-induced heart attack. No lie.
But in the meantime, BabyBaby is snug and secure... and she's kicking daily. That's another concern, though... I mean, how do I know if she's kicking enough? I mean, I feel her at least once or twice a day, but it's not like it's a constant schedule, or she does it in response to anything Chris or I do. Maybe it's me being paranoid since our last scare, but I just can't wait until my appointment next week where I can hear her heartbeat again, and the doctor can tell me how well she's growing, and know that everything is all right.