First belly picture in front of the new nursery wall - yay!
And what kind of fruit/veggie is BabyBaby this week? A squash!

Actually at this point the fruits/veggies are on a month-to-month basis, so I have a few more weeks of squash-ness.
And now that there are 10 weeks left, I guess now is as good of a time as any to finally start answering that pregnancy blog questionnaire I've seen floating around, so here goes... (Thanks, JCam, since you were the first one I noticed to use it!)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I have gained 28 lbs. The doctor told me 15-25... oops.
Maternity Clothes: Oh yes, though my pants are starting to get tight. I just can't bring myself to buy another pair of pants that I'm only going to be wearing for a couple months.
Stretch Marks: The ones on the belly are getting longer and much more noticeable. I have 3-4 on either side of my belly button right now, and it's gross. They're also showing up on the inside of my thighs.
Sleep: It's getting very, very hard. Between the temperature and the joint pains and just the trouble breathing, it's making for long nights and miserable days
Movement: Yup, and I learned that as my placenta is anterior, the movements may not be as strong or as often because of the extra cushion between me and the uterus, so that makes me feel better.
Food Cravings/Aversions: Salt & Vinegar potato chips! I hate them, but if there's an open bag near me I can't stop eating them!
Gender: BabyBaby is a girl - we've had two different techs and a doctor confirm it.
Belly Button In or Out: It's still in, but getting shallower and stretching.
What I Miss: Sushi and real coffee and alcohol.
What I am Looking Forward To: Right now, getting the nursery done.
Best Moment This Week: Seeing BabyBaby again on the ultrasound, finding out I don't have a placenta previa, and to hear that everything is looking perfect.
Labor Signs: None. Yet, anyway. And let's hope it stays that way for another 7 weeks.
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