Saturday, June 9, 2012

Revisted: Mothers Day -- Gifts!

One of the things I forgot to show off were the lovely presents I received this year! :)

First, have I mentioned how much I love our daycare provider? She had the kids each make one of these for their moms, and I was surprised with it when I went to pick Sam up the Friday before Mothers Day!

The poem reads as follows:
Sometimes you get discouraged
Because I am so small
And always leave my fingerprints
On furniture and walls.
But every day I'm growing -
I'll be grown some day
And all those tiny handprints
Will surely fade away.
So here's a little handprint
Just so you can recall
Exactly how my fingers looked
When I was very small.
Ironically, this was the year of the handprint, because I had already decided that I was going to make handprint flowers for the grandmothers as presents, thanks to a pin I found on Pinterest.

I already had the Crayola fingerpaints Samma receive from Christmas, so all I really needed to buy was the frames (on sale 2-pack at Michaels) and the brushes to make the details (again, on sale and cheap at Michaels).

It was a little difficult convincing Samma to make the handprints -- for some reason my daughter hates to have her hands dirty. But between Chris and I we were finally able to get two of each done for both grandmothers. Adding a little bit of my artistic talent, and taa-daa!

I think they appreciated it. :)

As for me, my beautiful daughter got me mums (how appropriate!)

And my awesome husband gave me a pre-order for the next World of Warcraft expansion, Mists of Pandaria!

... because that's how we do it around these parts, and I wouldn't have it any other way! :)

But up next? Father's Day, and boy-oh-boy do we have fun things in store for Dad!

1 comment:

Jonathan Rice said...

I made a hand print with the same poem for my Mom... a long time ago. I can relate to Samma, I didn't like having my hands dirty either. I guess I still don't. Glad you had a happy Mother's day!