Thursday, July 5, 2012

21 Months

Time for a State of the Samma post!

Samma is 21 months and crazy. Her vocab expands by the day, and her little personality is so fiery! Her ability to listen, comprehend, process, and respond just amazes me on a daily basis. She can count to 10 on her own without prompting and will echo the ABCs.

Her favorite songs at the moment include Baa Baa Black Sheep, The Itsy Bitsy Spider, and Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes. She loves to listen to people singing too, and will start cutting a rug anytime she hears a good beat. Her favorite show is still Blues Clues, but she loves Elmo and Caillou as well. Her favorite things to do are coloring and "reading" and she loves blocks. And any time she can go outside for a walk or to play, she is all for it!

She adores milk, cheese, bread, hot dogs, cucumbers, and any fruit you put in front of her. We're starting to get into a picky phase, so her food is really piecemeal at this point. It's frustrating, but I'm just happy when she has something decent in her belly.

Currently, she's wearing 24 month's for clothes, but the clothes that come as 18-24months are too small... yet 2T is a little too big, so we're definitely in the midst of a growth spurt. Her 2nd year molars are already starting to bother her, but nothing's cutting through yet.

Her sleeping schedule is pretty spot-on, and bedtime is no longer a battle. We get ready for bed around 7:30pm - PJs, teeth - and then we'll watch Pajanimals on Sprout. Depending on how she is after its over determines whether it's time to go up to bed or not. Usually she's ready by 8:15pm... sometimes it's not until 8:45pm. We don't let her stay up later than 9pm, though... even if she's not ready for bed, we put her in. Usually she's really good. She will snug with her Moosey and say "night-night mama" and may talk herself to sleep for 5 minutes, but honestly, listening to it on the other side of the monitor is just so adorable.

Yup, I could go on and on...

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