Tuesday, October 2, 2012

That time Samma had a birthday party!

Last Saturday was Samantha's 2nd birthday party, and though smaller than the prior year, I think she had a fantastic time.  The day started out cool and cloudy while we were running errands and prepping, but right before party time the sky cleared up and the sun started shining.

I really didn't do much by way of decorations.  Balloons and that was pretty much it.  I had even purchased purple and blue streamers but ended up returning them because I didn't know how the weather was going to turn out.  Plus, I was getting lazy.

We spent the night before making chocolate cupcakes for everyone!

... I wonder where they are!

And they were enjoyed by all, especially the birthday girl!

 Friends were there, from both daycare and other walks of life, and everyone played well together!

And it wasn't 5 minutes into the party until the sandbox was discovered!  But hey, at least they were content.

Samma even got a birthday kiss from her best forced-friend Coley!

And there was much rejoicing!

And then it was present time.

We loved present time.

 Especially the big ones!

She got so much - a play kitchen, a table and chair set, an art easel and art supplies, clothes, puzzles, the Little People dollhouse, and a teeball set!  But Chris and I had to save the "best" for last, so we asked Samma to close her eyes...

... and when we told her to open them...

... she discovered the had a brand new bike!

Unfortunately, she's still just a little bit small for it, but that didn't stop us from pushing her around.  And it wasn't long before she asked for her helmet so she could really ride!

I think she enjoyed herself, and I hope we did right by her for it this year.  Next year I think we're going to try something different and have it at a more open location so more people can come if they want to.  But then again, we have another whole year to figure those plans out!

That all being said, there's only one thing left to do!

A HUGE Thank You to everyone who helped make Samantha's birthday such a special day!  We couldn't have done it without you... and yes, thank you notes are soon-to-be in the mail!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

The party looked like it was a wonderful time! Great job mama! Your little girl is just precious and the cup cakes looked amazing!