Thursday, June 30, 2011

New Toy!

I bought this for Sam yesterday... I don't know who's more excited for it.

A Review of DROOL

I had heard about DROOL through one of TheBump's send-them-whenever-we-have-them emails and it had me intrigued. On May 31, 2011, Magic Beans (a local baby and kids store) was sponsoring an expo for expecting and new parents at the Seaport Hotel in Boston. Tickets were available on a two-tier system where you could pay $30 for a single entry which got you in the doors at 6pm and a normal swag bag, or you could pay the VIP price of $80 which got you in the door an hour earlier at 5pm, an upgraded swag bag, plus a $25 gift card to Magic Beans.

Cautious, my friend and I headed into the Seaport Hotel on Mary 31st, not sure whether our $30 spent was going to be worth it, or a waste.

My goodness, were we ever surprised.

Never before had I attended an expo with so much information, so many vendors, so much food, and freebies, and swag! Here are the pictures they posted up on Facebook after the event (hopefully it's a public album and you'll be able to see them):

Drool Expo Album

And speaking of swag, remember that $65 VIP ticket I wasn't sure I wanted? I'm pretty much kicking myself for that one. Don't get me wrong, our bag was pretty kickass to boot, but we missed out on THIS:

Rumor had it the gift bags themselves were worth at least DOUBLE the admission price, and I think I totally believe it.

But I'm glad we went. And to top it all off, at the end of the day, I ended up winning a couple of raffles! Not too shabby.... not too shabby at all.

So, DROOL? You get two very enthisiastic thumbs-UP from me! I hope you're around when I'm expecting BabyCubed, because I will most definitely be attending in VIP status once that time comes!

OMGs, an update!

Yesterday I had a friend ask me the status of the blog, because apparently there is still at least one person out there who checks up on (I know, I'm shocked too!) -- I have her excuses like "I've been busy" and "I haven't been able to find the motivation to just sit and write" and I guess both are legit... but still, unnecessary.

I started this blog as a memoir of my pregnancy, and it grew into an account of my daughter's life, so you would think I would want to keep it up to date with all the pertinent information in connection to her development, right?

Man, that's harder than you think....

The busy part is legit - I'm back to working 4 days a week, Tuesday through Friday. Mondays I am home with Sam, and it's not as relaxing and chill as it used to be anymore. At nights, by the time she falls asleep, I'm pretty much ready for bed myself, and then the weekends are jam-packed with the stuff we didn't get done over the week itself, PLUS we're into the summer months, so it seems like there's always something else going on outside or elsewhere.

I know... excuses, excuses, excuses...

I confess, it's not like I'm not logging on to Blogger. I do keep my cheatsheets in unpublished posts about topics I really do want to write about. And believe you me, this list is getting long. I think at this point I have 7 unpublished entries waiting on pics and further details... so it's not like there isn't plenty to talk about either.

A part of it, too, is I think I feel intimidated? I browse over other moms and moms-to-be's blogs and mine just feels so insignificant. There's no rhyme or reason to it, I don't keep up with a theme or a pattern, and hell I'm using a pre-made blogger template... booooooring!

But again... this is be being stupid and just trying to make excuses for my laziness.

So this is my promise to you, my loyal fanbase (I make with my fingers crossed behind my back) -- I will TRY to post more, and make more of an effort to update this blog. In my opinion, TRYING is just as good as DOING, so long as the effort is there, right? Right.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Oh, May... where did you go?

Ok, so it appears as if I didn't post a single time in the month of May. I guess when you have a child that's more mobile than not, it's hard to find time to just sit down and type. I do find myself more distracted these day...focusing is hard.

So what happened in the month of May anyway? I'm trying to remember...

Sami turned 8 months...

I know, Sam.... it's crazy!

Umm.... she's now able to sit up all on her own! She can't crawl yet, but she's definitely getting up on all fours and rocking, putting one hand out in front of her as if to move, and then falling on her face. Which also led to a scab forming on her nose for a good week because she scraped it against whatever floor she was trying to move across, using her head as a 3rd leg, almost like a tripod. It's actually really funny to watch.

And to top it all off, she's starting to pull her self up on things!

So now we HAVE to lower the crib, and the bumper has most definitely come off. This girl is ready to move!

And with Memorial Day come and gone, with temps up in the 90s, we broke out the kiddie pool for the first time!

And there's more... a lot more.... but right now I have a baby girl who's getting bored on the floor in her play corner, so I shall have to continue this later!