Thursday, January 26, 2012

bluumBox: FAIL

So remember that time I told you I was able to get a 3-month subscription from PlumDistrict, and after those three boxes it was going to be the end of it, so I was going to cancel my subscription so that they didn't charge me the $33 for a 3-month renewal? Well apparently my preemptive cancelation was enough to cancel the remaining 3rd box? Maybe? Either way, it's almost the end of January, boxes are sent out Jan 17th, and I haven't received any notification that it's on its way.

Have no fear. I have sent an urgent email to their customer service address in hopes that I will receive a response regarding the delay.

To be continued...

Thursday, January 5, 2012

A post about feeding: food stuffs

In the beginning, there was the boob.

(Please note -- that is neither me nor Sam)

And breastfeeding was good. It was hard, but worth it in the end, and I was able to pull it off for 7 months, exclusively, until I had to go back to work and begin pumping, which diminished my supply drastically, which mean meant we needed to start supplementing.

And once that 7-month mark hit, this was all Sam was drinking out of her bottle. But soon we discovered that paying for the name brand was draining our bank account, so we quickly switched.

Who woulda thought that Target 's brand was just as good as Enfamil's, and for half the price we were getting double the formula! But soon enough even this cost would be cut, so once Sam was a year old, we were given the green light to convert to the ever-glorious cow's milk!

Now Sam gets milk in the morning, afternoon, and evening, but that's not all! We make sure to have her cup always filled with something, be it water or 50%water/50% juice!

I love Fruitables, too, because they're both fruits and veggies juices, so I know if I'm going to be giving her any juice she's getting a little bit of everything.

But wait, MB -- Milk and juice aren't enough to sustain a growing toddler!

This is true. When we were breastfeeding, it was easy, because that's all she needed. I'm not going to lie - when I was told we could start giving her solids, I was a nervous wreck. I wracked my brain and did as much research as I could because I was convinced I was going to forget to feed her enough or something horrific along those lines. And for this? Gerber was my savior.

We were told we could start feeding her cereal at 4 months, so we started with rice cereal, and it was initially a battle. And then she got sick. And then they told us we weren't feeding her enough, and we should try fruits so that she would eat something. So we did.

I'm not gonna lie -- 1st foods made everything easy.

Even 2nd foods made things a little more fun.

Third foods were OK, but they just started to seem silly. Why dish out extra money for "baby" food when it's really close to what we as adults would be eating anyway? Needless to say we didn't stay on this stage long. The unfortunate thing is now I have to really THINK about mealtime, and it's hard because I hardly think that far ahead for myself! The most I get out of Gerber now is snacks.

Shhh... don't tell Samma they're veggie wheels!

Honestly, I think the Gerber Grabbers were the best invention ever. They're fruit. They're vegetables. They're a smoothie. And they're portable. Portable and DO NOT have to be refrigerated until they're opened, but rarely do I open one and not have Samma finish it. At first it was hard for her to get the hang of sucking through the top so I would feed her with a spoon, but as soon as she started getting the hang of straws she's able to drink right from the pouch. I still hold onto it for her though... she has yet to grasp the concept of not squeezing to the point of having it explode... or maybe she has and she just prefers to make a mess?

So, MB -- you talked about drink. You talked about food. What do you use for vehicles for all of the above?

All in good time, my friends... for now, I feel as if I have inundated you with enough of my nostalgic ramblings.

My poor Samma...

I swear my daughter can't catch a break... and each time I have to bring her to the pediatrician's office, I am more and more grateful for Chris' employer's health insurance plan because I really don't want to know how much we would be paying out of pocket for all these co-pays and specialist visits and such.

So Sunday night she was seeming out of sorts, and being the over-worried mother that I am, I decided to take her temp and see what was going on. Sure enough, we had a temp of 101.7° paired with a rash that was spreadking beyond her legs to her torso, back, and arms. So I gave her some Tylenol and she went to bed, and I was hoping she would be better by the morning and that this was all just a fluke thing.

Well, Monday morning I checked it again, and sure enough the temp was still there at 100.5° and the rash hadn't gone away. I didn't want to give her any more meds at this point because I had a call into the pediatrician's office thinking this was all a reaction to the shots she got before Christmas, and I wanted them to see what I was seeing. Sadly, we weren't able to get in there until 2:15pm so we spent the afternoon at my mom's house playing it low-key and she was definitely OK with that.

At the appointment the temp was back to 101.7° and they gave her a dose of Tylenol while we were there (a larger dose than we were giving her -- I'll get back to this in a bit) and the reminder that I could have given her Tylenol after 4 hours (noontime) rather than waiting and having them do it there. Yeah, yeah, I get it... moving on. They did a strep test, which came out negative - Samma hated it but we learned she LOVES Pedialyte Freezer Pops!

So the doctor's diagnosis was to keep an eye on the rash, but she didn't think it had anything to do with the fever, but rather that it was just her dry skin acting up and continue with the Aveeno. Regarding the fever, we were told to be vigilant and take her temp every 4 hours, giving Tylenol as needed, and if that's not working any longer, move on to Motrin, and if the fever was still lingering come Wednesday, go back for a recheck.

Take her temp, she said... and take her temp I did. Vigorously!

When she had the spike of 102.2° on Tuesday morning, I started getting really concerned, so I left her with my mother, along with the thermometer, and asked her to call me after she took her temp next so that I could see if we needed to finally move on up to Motrin, but then there was the low 10:30am temp which had me slightly concerned but I refrained from the Motrin jump until the next couple of readings. When she was back up to 101.4 I made the call, so I ran to the drug store on my lunch break and brought it back to my mom's house, hoping for the best. And as you can see it looked like it worked!

That then brings us to Tuesday night, and I swear I brought this upon myself. A couple times throughout the day I had mentioned to people that I was glad Sam was being more lethargic than fussy because then both she - and us - could sleep better throughout the night. Well sure enough, Miss Samantha was up from 10pm-2am screaming inconsolably, and the crazy thing was, the thermometer wasn't registering a fever. In fact, as you can see above, it was reading quite low. Fearing a low temp as much as a high, we gave her some more Motrin in hopes to soothe her and try to get her back to sleep, but the only way it was happening was by Chris bringing her down to watch Blues Clues (because Sprout, the 24-hour kids channel decided to air CSPAN in our hour of need) while he tried to get her to sleep on his chest. It worked until 5am, and then it was my turn, so we snugged on the couch and she fell back asleep until 7am. I took her temp again that morning, and alas, no fever registering. Regardless, I made a call to the doctor's office because even if there wasn't a fever, the bad night we all had was about SOMEthing, not to mention a closer looked showed me her rash was spreading some, now to her face.

They took us in at 9:15am yesterday morning. Another strep test (and another Pedialyte Freezer Pop!) and this time a blood test later, the pediatrician thinks it's just viral and there's not much else we could do at this point other than letting it run its course. Frustrating to say the least, but she understood my concern about this and said that if the fever was still hanging around in 48 hours, come on back in. The rash? Also viral and again not much else we can do.

Regarding the low temps? Most likely nothing more than a failing thermometer. Shame on me, right? Bah... I went out and bought a new one at Target so as to not look like an idiot in the future, but she understood where I was coming from, especially with the restless night we had had.

And sure enough, this morning? No fever! All gone! Happy Samma, and a very happy Mama!

I will say, Sam was a trooper through all this, and even though I knew she felt miserable she was still playing and laughing, and she was definitely being more snuggly than usual. And I confess - when we made that trip to Target after her appointment yesterday, she was being so good, and I felt so bad she was sick, I had you buy her a couple of things:

Teacup Piggies! I had never heard of them before, but they were on clearance at Target, and they're so adorable! Samma pointed to one, I gave it to her to look at, and she didn't let it go. Not only is it a cute stuffed animal for her to snug, it comes with its own plastic cup to not only put the piggy in, but to put on your head, and to try to climb in it yourself!

Little Pookie -- Samma LOVES Little Pookie. She already has Let's Dance, Little Pookie, and I swear she hands this book to me almost every night to read to her. It was a piggy-filled afternoon, for sure! But what can I say? My daughter is spoiled. But I'm glad to see her feeling better, which makes me feel much better in the longrun, and I'm just so relieved that we don't have to make another visit to the pediatrician's office because of this.

And honestly? I'm tired of writing sick baby blog posts!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

bluumBox: November / December

It's that time again! And for a while I wasn't sure if I was even going to get November's box, but I finally received it by the end of the month, and by the time I was ready to write up my review, sure enough I received December's box as well! So here you go -- another two-fer bluumBox post!

November: goodnight moon

Sadly, I couldn't find a stock photo of November's box, so if you're curious about any of the products, you get find more information here.
  • Skin Free Skincare Sleep Tight Spritz
  • Oh Baby Organic Baby Butter
  • Mini Drops Soothing Eye Drops
  • Apothederm Stretch Mark Cream*
  • Little Pim Fun With Languages 25% off Coupon
  • Special Gift -- Uncle Good Block
I don't even know where to start. This box, along with the next box coming up, has just been sitting by my computer waiting for me to do this recap. I mean, there's nothing in here that shouts out to me as being awesome, and makes me want to run out and get a full-sized bottle. PLUS, I already received a sample of the Apothoderm(*) -- so what are they trying to tell me, I not need double the help to get rid of my stretch marks?? I don't even know what I'll do with the baby butter. As for the sleep tight spritz, I don't know if I'd actually use that for Sam... hell, I don't know if I'd actually use it for me. I can give Sam the Uncle Good block, but again it's only one block. Coupons are nice, but I have no interest in additional languages as of right now. The only thing in this box that I can see using, and actually plan on using today thanks to the craziness that was last night, is the eye drops sample. Other than that? I think this one was a miss.

December: new beginnings

Again, no stock photos for December's box, but again, if you want information on the products, you may be able to find it here. If not, I will be back to edit the link as soon as they post it on the website.
  • Wry Baby Drooly Bib**
  • Dapple dish liquid
  • Spiffles tooth wipes
  • Dr. Sears baby wash
  • Plum Tots fruit snack
  • Yu-Be skin cream
  • Special Holiday Bonus - biodegradable Wysie Wipes
Strike two, bluum. I already have a Drooly Bib(**) which makes me start to wonder how many vendors that might actually have. If that's the case, and I going to see the same stuff in next month's box as well? I mean, we had a pouched fruit snack before, and as much as I love them for Sam, so much for variety. And we're getting more baby wash and skin care samples than we even want/need and chances are Sam can't even use them at this point. The Wysie Wipes are interesting as they come in dehydrated little discs and I guess you just need to add water and they expand? Of course, it won't help when I need a wipe ASAP which is usually the case. Tooth wipes are a waste because at this point we're brushing Sam's teeth with a regular brush and training paste. Drapple, however, is a good product... but again we're beyond needing baby-specific cleaning products.

The verdict? I have one more box coming to me thanks to the PlumDistrict deal, but after that I think it's going be a sweet farewell to And sadly? No love lost there...

Happy New Year!

(Courtesy of my mother-in-law while Samantha was spending the night at her house on New Year's Eve so we could go out and celebrate adult-like.)

Here's to a happy and healthy 2012 to you and yours!

And here's to a year of better blogging from yours truly!


.... wait, MB. What about the rest of Samantha's Christmas?

Well, I was thinking about doing a Christmas recap, but do you really need a rundown of how exhausted she and we were after running around all day opening presents and eating food? No, I say... I missed the boat on that one so I'm just going to move forward rather than dwell on the past... New Years Resolutions, and all. I will say we had a fantastic time, are so very grateful for our generous families, I know Samma had a great time and I look forward to so many more to come!