Saturday, August 21, 2010

a Saturday of nothing...

.... means lots of stuff to do!

While Chris is upstairs setting up the last of the IKEA furniture for the baby's room, I'm getting ready for a trip over to my parents' house to iron the sheers for the windows. Sadly, though we have an iron, we do not have an ironing board, so I'm going to take advantage of my mother's while I'm over there visiting this afternoon. Also, she has gourmet cupcakes for me, and who am I to pass up cupcakes??

Also thinking on stopping by BabiesRUs to pick up some Dreft so that I can start washing baby clothes so that I can then start putting them away once the dresser is complete. I know I know, not going to wash anything beyond 6 months, but I'd at least like to get a head start if I can.

Plus, once Chris is done in the nursery I'm going to start putting things away and organizing... I'm kinda excited.

Not to mention I think nesting is starting to kick in... woke up this morning with uber-energy and now I just wanna get things done!

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