Monday, March 8, 2010

2nd Tri is so close, I can taste it...

... either that, or its just the Goldfish I just devoured as my pre-lunch snack.

Yes, yes, I know.... I haven't posted in a couple of weeks, let alone showed any pictures to boot. I've just been lacking SO much motivation, it's not even funny, and the last thing I want to do is copy/paste from the many Baby-related websites I visit... now that's just repetitive. So this is what you get, for now. I'll TRY to remember pictures tonight, seeing as it is officially 10 weeks as of today....

I broke down and bought the BellaBand last payday.... and wore it for the first time this weekend. It was comfy enough, though I can see the annoyances it would cause from the rolling up and whatnot. I'm just not ready to buy maternity clothes yet. It's not me admitting defeat... I can just still get away with what I have, and it'll save me money to boot. Plus, my birthday is a little over a month away.... I can stick it out!

Other than that, I've been napping constantly, and still falling asleep early to on time. The morning sickness has subsided some (still no throwing up to dare!) but the gagging is almost constant. Prenatals are still the worst - I think I wait too long after I eat to take them, and probably should be aiming to have them with dinner, so that at least I know something is in my stomach.

And my first official prenatal appointment with my OB is on Wednesday. Good times getting a physical exam and having blood drawn... but at least it kinda feels real once all of that is out of the way.

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