Wednesday, February 17, 2010

week 7 is here...

... and I have no picture to show for it. Sorry. This past weekend was a long weekend, and I was just feeling like crap so much that I hardly showered or got out of my PJs, so I apologize for no picture this week.

All in all, I've just had no motivation, but by today, it's been getting better. I'm only getting up once at night now, rather than 2-3 times, and the nausea in the morning isn't as bad as it was a week ago. Either that, or I'm just getting so used to it by this point that it's like nothing to me now.

I haven't been very social lately, and I feel like that's no one's fault by my own. Unfortunately, a part of me just doesn't care right now. I'm tired, I don't feel well, and the last thing I want are people asking me what's wrong and having to just lie. So I figure, keeping on the DL might not be such a bad idea for a bit.

Granted, we have a party on Saturday with a bunch of my college friends, two of which are already pregnant, so we'll see how long we can keep the facade up.

Sadly, I already feel it's crumbling, especially since there are some former acquiantances who can't seem to keep their nose(s) out of my personal business. I'm sorry, but who the hell goes out of their way to stalk me on TheBump forums, and then runs their mouthes about what they find? Just because I chose to allow individuals on my forums know my news doesn't mean it's now your news to talk about. It's like, seriously... be envious, be jealous, be curious - WTFever - just stay off my ass and out of my life. For real.

Anyway, my rescheduled CNM call is tonight, which reminds me, I have a checklist I wanted to print off of TheBump with a list of questions I should ask... and then the first appt/ultrasound is Monday, so things are getting somewhat exciting.

PS - I'm currently down to 1 pair of jeans, and 3 pairs of work pants. Methinks a BellaBand is going to be in order sooner than later.

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