Saturday, February 6, 2010

We did it!

We finally gathered up enough courage(?) to tell our families today!

I spent a good portion of the morning running around the South Shore trying to find something grandparents-like to give them the hint, and we finally decided that this was going to be the best way to do it:

We went to my parents' house first, and it seriously took my mother a few minutes to realize what kind of frame it was. Then there was a "OH!!!" and lots of hugs. The same thing happened at Chris' parents' house, only over there his mother actually cried, which in turn made me cry... the first time! Overall, the reception was one of much excitement, which couldn't make us happier!

It's also a huge weight off of my shoulders because now I don't feel like I'm lying to everyone as much... telling work is going to be the next hurdle, but I'll worry about that close to 2nd tri.

I also purchased my first item of maternity clothing today:

It's a mid-season maternity wrap-around fleece jacket, and seeing that I'm going to be pregnant both during spring and fall, it couldn't work out more perfect! And it was on sale at Old Navy, $29.95 down to $20. Must have, for sure... Old Navy having its Maternity section in store now definitely has its advantages!

1 comment:

Rach said...

So cute how you told the grandparents-to-be! Just adorable!