Friday, December 3, 2010

10 weeks

2.5 months has gone by REALLY fast, and exactly 1 month from today I will be going back to work, and Sami will be starting her tenure at Hugs Plus... wow.

Sleeping has begun to get on a schedule, though it might not be ideal for us. For a while she was sleeping through the night - I would feed her before I went to bed at 10pm, and she would stay with Chris until he went to bed, but she wouldn't wake up again for food until about 6am, which is awesome! But these last couple of nights there have been feedings every 3 hours... 2am, 5am, 8am... nap. Sometimes its ok... others it just drives me to sleep. Especially when I'm sick, which is how it was this past week =(

But she had been sleeping in her own room! We're starting her out in her basinet, and so far so good, though there have been a few days when she just won't go back down after the 5am feeding so we've brought her basinet back into your room for easy pacifier access. We'll get there, though...

And because of me being sick, Sami now has her first cold, and I feel so bad! Baby coughs are the saddest coughs. =( But we're keeping an eye on her and hoping its not going to be any worse than mine was. Yesterday I brought her into the shower with me... not into the actual shower, but she was strapped to her baby chair and chillin' in the bathroom with me while I took a hot shower... better than a vaporizer if you ask me! And she fell asleep to boot, so I guess it didnt bother her too much.

But regardless of how we've been feelings, or how tired I am, mornings have become my absolute favorite. Sami is just so awake and alert and active... and OMG the smiles! :D

Feeding time has been a little bit stressful still, and it's still affecting my want to pump. It's been better over the last day or so, so I'm hoping my boobs' supply has finally caught up to her demands. I still want to get into a habit of going to the lacation clinic every week, but with Thanksgiving and everything it's been hard. Since I'm not going to be working on Thursdays I think that's going to be my day to go, so the sooner I can get into that schedule, the better.

What else, what else....

She's found her fists this week, so it's been helping to soothe her instead of the pacifier, which is good for us come 6 months and we want to break her of the pacifier completely.

And she still hates tummy time. Loves lying on her back... hates being on her stomach. Unless she's lying on me, then her head is up and looking all around. We're working on it... stubborn baby.

Now all that's left for the time being is getting Christmas cards ordered... thanks to friends Pete & Tracy we now have a CRAPLOAD of Sami newborn pics. We still need to pick one for our cards, but in the meantime.... *points to next post*

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