Monday, December 27, 2010

Sami's first Christmas

It's hard to imagine that the holidays have come and gone... but it's was a good one for Miss Samantha, and we are so grateful for our friends and family!


We began the festivities at my parents' house on the afternoon of Christmas Eve and they continued on through the night at my in-law's house with Chris' extended family. Everything was great until Sami started getting extremely fussy towards the end of the night thanks to her teething, and Chris and I had to take turns passing her off so as to not disturb everyone else. We finally got her to go to sleep around 11pm Christmas Eve night, and luckily for us, she slept through until I woke her up at 6:15am so that we could get our busy Christmas Day started with going over to my in-laws house (again) for the family exchange, and then traveling up to the North Shore of Massachusetts for Christmas with my mom's side of the family, all to come back down to our house to host our friends for our annual holiday swap.

Despite Sami's teething and fussiness, it was a great weekend. She got SO many clothes and toys, I have no idea where we're going to put them all! I think we've decided to make a corner in the finished basement Sami's playspace... now we just need to get rid of the queen-sized bed we've parked there since cleaning out the spare bedroom to make the nursery. So.... anyone need a bed???

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