Saturday, February 12, 2011

Goodbye, daycare...

On Friday, we had to let daycare know that Sami will not be coming back in March.

Why, do you ask?

Because my job has been cut from a full-time, 40-hour position to a part-time, 24 hour position, and we can't afford her daycare at the center with the smaller income.

It's really depressing.

Chris had to go in and tell the director because I know that if I had to, I was going to break down into tears.

It really bothers me... I loved the center, I love her teachers, and I know her teachers love her and are going to miss her, and it just pisses me off that I had to get the shit end of the stick with this hour reduction.

Everyone else in my company was told they had to furlough one day a week, but because I already was taking Thursdays off, my boss forced me to take an additional day.

Upside is, of course, I'll get to spend another day home with Sami. And I'll be able to collect unemployment since my hours have been spliced more than 30%. But seriously. The downside to potentially losing my job with an awesome - yet - failing company really puts a damper on things.

Luckily we have friends and family who will be able to help us in the meantime, and although there was a little bit of stressing once we received the news, I think we have everything pretty much figured out for when March comes.

But still. It sucks. =(

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