Monday, November 14, 2011

My Little Flower Girl

This past weekend was Chris' sister, Katelyn's wedding and it was fabulous.

Samantha was slated to be the flower girl only within the last couple of months -- the deciding factor was whether or not she would be able to walk down the aisle, but once she started walking on her own after her birthday, it was a done deal. Which means Mom needed to get going on finding her a dress.

With Katelyn's approval every step of the way, an my frugal budget, we decided on David's Bridal's Shantung Tank Dress with Full Tulle Skirt (Style M103) in Ivory. With a price tag of only $39 and free shipping to boot, it was going to work whether Sam liked it or not! I had decided on getting her an 18mos rather than a 12mos because I had no idea if or when this girl is going to have her next growth spurt, and once has a little more leeway when it comes to dresses than, say, pants suits.

The dress itself came with a matching Ivory ribbon to be tied in the back, but from the beginning Katelyn knew she wanted a purple ribbon to sorta match the bridesmaids' dresses, and we lucked out when the dress had an easily removable ribbon and loops for threading something new. As an added touch, we clipped a satin rose on the bow to give Samma a little more style in the back. Paired with ivory tights and little black patent leather shoes, she was ready to go!

As a final touch to her flower girl-ness, Katelyn had found a perfect purple basket for Sam to carry with her. And inside were little silver leaves for Sam to toss as she's walking down the aisle. Or not. Regardless it all came together so well at the end!

All ready to go!

She needed a little coaxing down the aisle...

... but once she saw Nana and Puppy, she was ready to go!

Eye on the prize!

... and then she ran away. Apparently once Sam had her puppy, she was done with the ceremony and decided to high-tail it outta there, so by the time I looped around to collect her from my mother-in-law, she was no where to be seen! Luckily one of our friends grabbed her and sat with her until I was able to get over to them after Katelyn proceeded down to the altar.

Despite the panic, I was told she stole the show, so I'm glad that everything worked out, the ceremony was beautiful, and the reception was a blast.

One more thing -- I had pulled the photographer aside to take a family picture of Chris, Samma, and myself because I mean, really, when are we going to have another chance to take a picture with the three of us all dressed up? So I'm really looking forward to that when the professional pics get back!

But until then, this is All I Need:

Edit - 9/8/2012:   Here's our family picture I was talking about!

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