Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Fools, Indeed

As with every April 1st, I had a couple ideas floating through my head as to what I would do this time around, and as always my brain drifted towards reposting one of Samma's ultrasound pictures and allowing the populace to arrive at their own decisions. My husband thought this would not be the best of ideas, so I refrained... and apparently this was a good thing because I've seen quite a couple FB status today about people playing the pregnancy trick.

At the other end of the spectrum, however, I've also seen people threatening to defriend anyone who pretends to be pregnant.

Harsh? Or justified?


AB said...

'Tis a good thing I saved my fake pregnancy announcement (complete with a googled picture of a positive test and a "we brought back a special souvenir from vacation" message) for a text to my Mom, lest I feel the wrath of... dun dun DUNNNNNN - "unfriending"!!!!!!

GET REAL, it's a joke, yo!

MaryBeth said...

It almost reminds me of the backlash of Steese's "insensitive" announcement a few years ago... freakin' BabyGate

AB said...

I forgot about that!