Sunday, October 24, 2010

1 month

Wow, a month has gone by already?? Who knew?!

But seriously, it's crazy how fast the time flew, and I know it's only going to fly by faster as time goes by. That's why I'm doing things, like trying to maintain this blog, and Sami's Baby Book, and a baby scrapbook...

So yeah, things have been kinda busy.... you know, like the busy you expect with a newborn. Luckily my mother and my father were able to take the last couple of weeks off to help out, but as of tomorrow, I am officially on my own. Am I worried? Not too much... I just hope she's as good for me solo as she has been...

Nothing really much else to report... Sami has a case of baby acne, which was confirmed by the pediatrician last Saturday when we brought her up because I didnt trust Google's analysis. Luckily it should be gone in a month's time, but still... I feel bad that she's being subject to my crazy hormones.

ALSO - thanks to the pediatrician's appointment, we now know that as of last Saturday she was 8lbs, which means she's well over that at this point, and so I'll be curious to see what she's at when we go to her one-month appointment on Wednesday.

As for me, still can't get out of the 170lbs range... which is a little frustrating because this 1 pair of maternity jeans is starting to get too big. I have begun pumping though, and now that I'll be home alone it'll make it a little easier to do. I initially tried a 2oz bottle with Sami, but apparently that's not enough for her hungers, so now I have enough for a 4oz bottle, and that's going to be for Chris to try to give her tonight. One step at a time - I'm just glad I have enough time ahead of me before I have to go back to work so that I can get this all figured out.

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