Tuesday, October 5, 2010

2 weeks.

So as you can tell, I'm a little slacking with my posting as of late. Obviously, things have been busy, sleep has been scarce, and I rarely get to my computer anymore, but moments like this, when Sami is sleeping in her carseat after a ride home from the mall, I can take a few minutes to myself, so here we go!

As of yesterday, Sami is now 2 weeks old. She sleeps a lot, but when she's awake her eyes are so bright and alert. She only really cries when she's hungry, or when she's not asleep enough to know that we've put her down instead of carrying her. She LOVES "kangaroo time" on my chest, and more often than not that will be the only way she'll fall asleep.

As for me, I am out and about... sometimes I'll get sore and need to take Mortin, but it's a rare occurrence as of late. My 6 week follow-up appointment is scheduled for November 2nd, so I'm kinda just counting down the days until I'm in the clear. And as of yesterday I was down 17 lbs. Go-go, breastfeeding!

Speaking of breastfeeding, we're getting there. She's doing great, latching on with little to no trouble... as for me, I'm the one with the sore nipples whose trying my hardest not to cut our feeding times short because of the pain. I guess it really isn't that bad all the time - the right side is definitely causing me more discomfort than the left, but it's getting better. And I know - I've been trying lanolin, and my own breastmilk to toughen them up, but it's a slow process. I'm also starting to drink me some milkmaid tea to help increase milkflow - can't hurt, right? I just can't help but feeling I'm not giving her enough with each feeding because she ALWAYS seems hungry, but we have her 2-week pediatrician appointment, and they'll weigh her there, so I guess I'll know by then. There's also a breastfeeding clinic at the hospital every Monday-Friday that I could attend for moms and babies only, where they will weigh the baby and you''ll be able to get guidance from the lactation consultants if there's any concern. I think I might start going once Chris goes back to work, and my parents are done coming over to help.

But in the meantime, we're just taking one day at a time, and trying to get in as many naps as possible. But Sami is awesome, and I wouldn't trade any of this for the world. :)

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