Sunday, March 20, 2011

6 Months!

I swear I say this every month (and I swear I put this disclaimer every month as well), but I really can't believe how fast these last 6 months have gone by. And with all the milestones and growing she's done so far, there's just so much coming in the months ahead... it's so exciting!

In regards to milestones, we've reached a big one -- Sami has her first tooth! Yup, her bottom right tooth has finally broken through the gums, and man, is it sharp! I know, I should have announced this in its own post, but things lately have been very busy/tiring that I haven't had the chance or motivation to sit down and really type. And most of that can be blamed on Sami's teething, methinks. Oh yes, we are back in full-swing. Between the drooling, the fussiness, and just the overall sleeplessness, I know those other teeth are just waiting to pop... and so am I! For Sami's sake (and for mine) I just hope that the others that have to come in are easier to cope with... there's only so much that Oragel and iced teethers can do for a baby...

Speaking of milestones, the slow transition to solids has been fantastic! It was a battle at first, what with the not liking of the rice cereal, but we gave it a bit, and although is was something new, Sami definitely has the hang of it now! First we started with apples, and then bananas, and we just finished up prunes last night. I think we're going to move onto peaches tonight, followed by pears, and then I think we're going to be ready to add veggies and an extra meal, but we'll see what the pediatrician says when we go on Thursday. And in preparation for more big-girl solid foods eating time, Chris finally put together the high chair we received at Christmas:

And as I mentioned, her 6-month appointment is on Thursday. I'm a little nervous. And not because of the 3rd round of shots she needs to get, either. Nope, I'm worried that I'm missing something, and something BIG. Something that the pediatrician is going to look at me, shake her head, and think I'm an unfit mother. Sure, I have a list of concerns and questions we've collected over the last couple of months, like teething, and diaper rash, and her congestion, but I fear that when I start talking about solids, or tummy time, or her inability to roll over, the doctor is going to look at me and ask me/tell me what I'm doing wrong. And I don't even want to think about her growth percentiles... I'm happy that Chris is taking the day to work from home so that he can come with us, because I don't know if I could do this one solo... I feel like too much has gone on in the last couple of months, yet there's so much more that could have gone on -- it's just too overwhelming right now.

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