Monday, March 7, 2011

the great formula conversion

We began Sami's transition to formula today.... so it begins.

The plan is to have Sami be on formula during the afternoons, and I will feed her myself in the morning and at night until I can't do it any longer. Plus it will just make everything easier for me, knowing that my output from pumping throughout the day before will not determine how much Sami gets to eat the next day, or whether or not we have enough in reserves to go out and do something...

The plans goes as such:
  • This week: 4oz breast milk / 2oz formula
  • Next Week: 3oz breast milk / 3oz formula
  • Week Three: 2oz breast milk / 4oz formula
I am very grateful to have such understanding and supportive family and friends to help us along with all of this.

It's a hard thing to come to terms with -- knowing I am no longer a sufficient food source for my daughter, and we have to start supplementing in order to keep her fed and healthy. We had to last night - she woke up around 8pm for her regular feeding, but because it was the end of the day, I just didn't have as much as she wanted, so we gave her a half bottle of 2oz breast milk / 1oz formula and she didn't see to have any issues keeping it down. Chris is hoping she has his iron stomach.

The upside is that she is accepting the fruits we're giving her, tonight better than the last couple if nights we've been attempting to feed her. Before it was a battle to get her to move her tongue out of the way so that we could get the spoon in far enough for her to even taste the apples, and tonight she started opening her mouth for me and nomming the food rather than just spitting it out. Progress!

So yeah... that's where we stand now. Like I said, it's hard for me... I know I should be proud of myself, for lasting as long as I did EBFing, but still -- it wasn't the plan. So that's the hard part.

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