Wednesday, July 6, 2011

And then Samma turned 9 months old...

We are three-quarters of the way to Numero Uno, my friends... and something tells me that trying to take that monthly picture of my daughter is going to take at LEAST the two of us from here on out....

Which reminds me, I really need to keep up with updating Sam's baby book, which has turned out to be yet another daunting task to keep up with... but at least between this blog and my Facebook, I'll have somewhat of a recollection of all her milestones. But I digress...

Sam had her 9-month appointment on June 20th (her actual 9-month birthday, if anyone's counting) and everything is looking fantastic! She weighed 18lbs 10 oz and measured at 27" long -- still within the 25-50 percentiles, which is just where she should be! I asked the doctor about her feeding schedule, and she didn't seem too concerned, especially since she's gaining weight well enough. And I asked about the sippy cup, and she said so long as we've introduced the cup to her and she's familiar with it, regardless of whether she's using it properly, we're on the right track. Then the poor thing had to get some blood taken, and then another HepB shot, and now we aren't due back until September for her 1-year appointment! :o

So our baby is on the move, for sure, which is another reason why it's hard to just sit and type lately... I get either early in the morning when she's gone back to sleep after her bottle, or at night when she's gone down for the night. Regardless, she is mobile, which means a stricter eye on her whereabouts, and babyproofing. I think we're running a little behind on the babyproofing part, but we're getting there. It's funny, though... the order of which things occurred. First it was rolling over, then it was rolling across the room. Then it was scooting backwards on her belly, then something kinda like an army crawl. Then she figured out how to sit up on her own, and then stand using things around her for support. Now she's crawling over to couches, pulling herself up, and cruising all around the room! She hates being carried, and if she can get somewhere by crawling, oh she will get there. She's going to be walking by her 1st birthday, for sure, and it still blows my mind as to how far she's come in how little time. Remember that time I was worried about her not rolling over from tummy to back?

Yeah.....And then there's the teething... within the last week or so Sami has become the proud owner of two top incisors, and the poor girl definitely earned them. Even still she's waking up in tears because her teeth are bothering her, and after some comfort and a little Oragel, she's right back to sleep. I will say that those top two teeth make her faces all the more adorable now... especially when she does her scrunchie face!

Did I mention her new daycare yet? No I don't think I did... but I think that will be a post for another day. That and the 1st birthday ideas post... yes, definitely for another day. ;)

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