Monday, July 4, 2011

So, Father's Day...

Yup, it happened about 2 weeks ago, but that doesn't mean I still don't want to talk about it!

For Chris' first Fathers Day, I wanted to do something special, but not your generic card and/ or gift. So thanks to the ever-so-handy I found this fantastic idea from one of the other moms on the September '10 Moms board.

The idea was to take pictures of your child holding the letters "D" and "A" and then putting them in a frame so that it spelled "D-A-D"... get it? Dad? OK...

Finding the letters was easy enough -- I took the foam letters from Sam's alphabet play mat. I had seen examples of this being done with cardboard or paper letters too, but I just didn't think they would be as sturdy or interactive.

Next was the when and the where. I was still off on Wednesdays and Fridays, so doing it when Chris wasn't going to be around wasn't going to be a problem. As for the where, I knew I wanted to do it outside, but did I want to go to a park? Not really. Luckily, the backyard had just been mowed the weekend before, so all I needed was a sunny Wednesday and we were all set! Yay for me, that Wednesday was the last one before Father's Day!

So I waited til there was just the perfect combination of shade and sun, grabbed my white sheet and my baby and outside for our photoshoot we went. And when you have a baby that LOVES the grass, doing anything out the ground outside is a task in and of itself.

Have you ever tried to take pictures of a then-almost-9-month-old??!

And then I was running around frantically on the Friday before Father's Day trying to find a 3-slotted 4x6 picture frame, and luckily Kohl's had exactly what I was looking for, so then it was over to CVS with a sleeping Samma to get prints done.

But in the end, we finally got everything to work out, and the finished product came out something like this:

As far as I can tell, Chris loved it, so all off the effort and energy paid off in the end. So Happy belated Fathers Day to all the dads out there -- I hope it was a good one, whether for first or 40th!

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