Friday, July 22, 2011

Guess who's 10 months old!

And a chunkah to boot! Within the last month, she's almost gained a whole pound, now weighing in at 19 lbs, 12oz! Growing girl... and here I was worried about her eating habits.

Nothing TOO dramatic has happened in the last month. Still crawling, still pulling up to standing, still cruising. She wants to walk SO bad, you can just tell by teh way she reaches for things while she's standing. Soon, little girl... soon enough.

Samma has been getting my nerves and axiety up lately, that's for sure... over the last weekend or so she's been starting to do this head-bobbing thing similar to a nod when you're drifting off to sleep mixed with the spasm you might do if you have a shiver going down your spine. Honestly, it's really been freaking me out, and after she did it multiple times the other night, I finally decided to bring her to the pediatrician's office yesterday to have the doctor look her over to see if there was anything glaringly wrong. Well, she made me feel like a fool because according to the doctor, developmentally and behaviorally she is beyond where she should be, and her reflexes and reactions as exactly what they should be. Of course, she reassured me that I wasn't in the wrong for being concerned, because she remembered hows he was when her daughter was Sami's aged, and she even thought for a while she was having seizures. Yeah, seriously. But she also said it wasn't abnomal for ticks to occur while they're growing, and there's a possibility she could be doing it voluntary as she learns what her body can now do. So she told me to keep an eye on her, monitor when it happens, and what's going on when it happens, and try to get it on video, and then we have a follow-up on Monday to see how things are. My sister and I both saw it happen last night, and after a bit of research via Google (sometimes not the best thing, I know) and what we found was that it seems like babies similar in age to Sam have done the same thing across the board, and that it goes away as quick as it began... so I'm hopeful this is just a thing, and not something more serious...

So other than feeding anxieties, that's about it. We went away for not just one night, but TWO nights last weekend, and we entered Sami into a Diaper Derby race.... she came in second place, along with all the other babies who didn't move, but hey, the effort was there, and it was fun!

Up next? First birthday plans!!!

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