Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Another bump in the road...

It looks like we're going to have to re-evaluate our telling everyone on Valentine's Day plan...

We went out to dinner with Chris' family last night for his mother's birthday, and during the conversation, they were telling us about their upcoming trip...

MIL: So we're planning a trip to see K (SIL) in a few weeks.
Chris: Oh yeah? When are you leaving?
MIL: We'll be leaving on the 12th and coming back on the 22nd.
Me: Oh, so you'll be down there for Valentine's Day?
MIL: Yup, we're all going to double date!


So now we're re-evaluating. Do we tell them before they leave on the 11th, or do we just wait until the u/s on the 22nd, and tell everyone when they come back?

It's tough... I hate having to keep this such a secret! Also, having a table full of pregnant women sitting next to us at dinner, talking about their labor, and birthing stories, and how they felt leading up to that point wasn't helping much.

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