Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Prenatals suck.

Per request of the doctor's office, and TheBump, and everywhere else I've been reading, I need to start prenatal vitamins ASAP. Blegh. I hate vitamins with a passions, and these are no better. I went to the local RiteAid and picked up One-A-Day's prenatal package, which includes a miltivitamin for me, with all the calcium, iron, and folic acid I'm going to need, and then another soft gel with the DHA and the Omega3 and fish oil for BabyBaby. I took my first ones last night after dinner, with a large glass of water and a full belly, and so far so good, but damn... these things are horsepills. And expensive. $16.99 for both bottles, a 30-day supply. Blegh.

We also went to the gym last night for the first time in a while. I did my normal 45 minutes on the treadmill's weight loss setting lvl 5, and so far so good. I have a feeling, however, that I'm going to need to drop it down to lvl 4, or even lvl 3, sooner or later. Especially if I start going more often. I was reading that I should get at least 30 minutes of exercised per day to maintain the weight gain, so with the acception of yoga nights, it looks like I'm going to be heading to the gym on a daily basis. At least until the weather gets nicer - then I can bring Loki with me and we can walk around Pond Meadow.

Today is also my first day of making sure I'm eating more often throughout the day. This morning I was just rummaging through the kitchen cabinets for anything snacky and low-fat that I can bring with me to work. Raisins, dry Cheerios, Cheez-Its, and green pepper sticks. It's something better than nothing until we go out food shopping.

And finally, we decided our plan of attack for telling people - we're going to let our immediate families know on Valentine's Day... going to get our parents "Grandparents" V-day cards and see if they can figure it out. I was also told I could let my boards in on our secret at that time because a) it's been SO hard keeping it quiet, especially with everyone asking me if I got a BPF this past weekend... that's mianly my fault for talking about it so much, but I just didn't know I would actually get a BFP! and b) I want to start to post on the 1st Tri Bump boards and such without any stalkers spillin' beans that aren't there's to spill. Once we get the sonogram from the doctor's appt in March (which seems like years away) then we'll let the masses know. I just still want to play it safe, but I feel like this is something we should definitely share with our parents beforehand.

I'm still feeling sleepy, but so far so good with any sickness. And I have my decaf coffee, so that makes things a little more comfortable.

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