Sunday, April 3, 2011

6-month check-up

LAST Thursday was Sami's 6-month appointment with the pediatrician, and I never thought I would be the mother going in with a list of questions, but there I was, looking over the notes app on my phone, making sure I had everything in order for the doctor when she asked if we had any concerns. And I'm grateful she was so understanding, because she leaned back against the counter, folded her arms, and basically said "bring it" with a smile on her face.

So yes, a lot of my fears and/or concerns were quelled.

First off, her growth percentiles are spot-on. Weighing in at 15lbs 13oz, 25 7/8" long and with a head circumference of 16 1/4" she is in the 25th, 50th, and 16th percentiles, respectively. Everything is where it should be, so there are no concerns there.

Next, I was concerned a lot about her development in regards to rolling over, sitting, etc, but again we have nothing to be worried about. The doctor checked out her core strength, and she seemed to have passed with flying colors. She told us that it's more based on a check list of milestones where not all have to be hit to move on... or something like that. Basically, because she has amazing head strength, has been applying pressure with her legs for as long as we can remember, and can sit well enough despite being supported, she is developmentally where she needs to be.

(Of course, Sami made a fool of me in regards to the whole rolling thing... as of Monday, she's been rolling up a storm, and something tells me she's going to be crawling in no time!)

Finally, we touched upon her feeding stuffs -- supplementing with formula, solids (what and how often), and the spitting up. Nothing really seemed to concern the pediatrician much at all. The formula/breastmilk conversation was fine, especially since she's gaining weight. Having her on fruits til this point wasn't a problem, and she said to start her on veggies and two meals whenever we felt comfortable at this point. And the spitting up was most likely due to her being more active and mobile now, especially after eating and on a full belly. Growing baby.

We also received a flouride-infused multi-vitamin since Braintree's water does not have flouride, and oddly enough there wasn't a co-pay when I went to pick it up at CVS. Now I just have to make sure to give it to Sam every day, especially now that she has teeths!

And she got 3 more shots... well, I guess I should say 2 more shots and 1 sugar drink she loves. Poor thing -- shots never get easy.

And now we wait 3 months... she doesn't go back until her 9-month appt in June. JUNE! She could be walking by then! AHHHHH!!!

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