Saturday, April 23, 2011

teething must-haves

As we're going through another bought of teething, I figured now would be as good of a time as any to show off what's worked for us during Sami's hardest times. A Top 5, if you would...

#5 -- refrigerated teethers

I vaguely remember growing up and having these myself when I was younger, so my first instinct was to get some for Sam so she could use them while she was teething. But believe it or not, she wasn't much of a fan. In fact, the only time she would ever use a cold teether was when she was borderline inconsolable, and at that rare moment she wasn't a chilled reverse pressure. Beyond that, she could have cared less.

#4 -- the RaZ-Berry teether

I learned about this teether through my friend when her own daughter was going through teething. I remember seeing it and thinking how clever it was, so it was definitely on my must-have list for a while. Now, I guess it comes in a variety of colors -- a Blueberry, and two clear raz-berries... pink or blue respectively. It's great though because it has the look of a pacifier, with bumps on the "razzberry" to help soothe gums. The oversized "leaves" are always fun to chew, and the handle is ridged for added relief. I love multi-purpose baby items!

#3 -- Baby Oragel
Dear Oragle. You are, in fact, my teething savior. The only reason you are not in the #1 spot is because I can't/don't use you every day. Despite what one of the pediatricians may think (*eyeroll*) Oragel has been a fantastic help with teething. At first we bought the swabs, because we thought it would be easier to apply rather than sticking our fingers into her mouth, but every time we used them, we noticed that almost 1/4 of the tube wasn't being used. So then we bought the regular version, but we realized we weren't using it during the day as much as at night to give Sami relief before bed, so then we switch to the nighttime version -- a little more potent, a little longer lasting, and it's been as close to instant relief as we can give her ever since. Again, we don't use it every night because we don't have to, and it does cause a LOT of drool (as if teething didn't cause enough on its own), so other than it being a medication, that's the only downside I have.

#2 -- Baby Banana Brush
Another wonderful suggestion from a friend, I thought this was ingenious. It's a toy. It's a teether. It's a training toothbrush!
 #1 -- Sophie the Giraffe

We don't go anywhere without Sophie. Despite it being a $25 purchase (though luckily we received ours as a gift), Sophie is worth every penny. Non-toxic so every part of her can go in Sami's mouth, soft, flexible, easy to grip, and it squeaks... I don't think I could ask for better teething relief! A must-have for every parent with a teething baby, and if you know someone who's pregnant, make sure you give them one at their shower!

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