Friday, April 22, 2011

7 months

7 months old, and we got a stomach bug. =( I'm hoping it's a 24-hour thing, and we're a lot better prepared for it now than we have been in the past, so here's hoping that with a little Pedialyte, this too shall pass.... especially since Chris and I have plans to go away tomorrow night! >_<

So yeah, other than projectile vomiting, things are going well.

Thanks to Ferberizing, she is sleeping through the night. We put her down at 7pm, and we don't usually hear from her until 5am, and even then I can go in, give her back her pacifier, and she'll sleep for another hour. Even at 6am, I'll take a good night's sleep!

Naps are another issue... for some reason Ferberizing is harder during the day than at night, but we're still trying! I think now she's on a 3 naps a day schedule -- 10am, 12pm, and 2pmish... she might go down for 30 minutes, sometime and hour and a half, and then some days we get one half hour nap out of her, and that's it. So yeah, a work in progress...

But thanks to the sleeping through the night, we now have more scheduled feedings, which makes planning a day a little easier. I'm down to one breastfeeding session per day now (though I think that's going to be ending soon) so I will wake up and feed Sam at 6am, then we'll give her fruits after her next formula bottle at 9am, bottles at 12pm and 3pm, and then veggies with her 6pm bottle. It's a good little schedule.

And, oh my goodness, is she moving! Not crawling just yet, but she can get up on her hands and knows and rock back and forth -- "turtling" as we like to call it. And sometimes she'll even put herself into a Downward Dog! Soon though... I can feel it. And if she's anything like Chris and myself, she could very well be walking by the 4th of July! :o

No rush though... no rush at all.

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