Sunday, September 16, 2012

Samma's First Haircut

Last weekend we decided it was time to get Samma's hair trimmed for the first time.  It was a debate for a while - I didn't want to do it, then when I finally decided it needed to get done, Chris was uncertain it needed to be done.  This went back and for for a little bit, and there was even the off-chance that I would cut her hair myself.  Eventually, I made the call, and decided to bring her to Snip-Its in Hingham.

The shop is obviously catered to toddlers and children, so I felt comfortable in knowing that the stylist would know how to work with a nosy toddler like Sam.  The downside was that they don't accept appointments, and when we walked-in on a Sunday afternoon there was a 90-minute wait.  At the time, this was OK because there were plenty of other places to walk to and things to see while we waited, but if it was any other time I'm not sure it would have been as convenient.

I will say, when it was close to our appointment, they took us right away.  We strapped Samma into the chair, turned on a video for her to watch, and the stylist (I believe her name was Sarah) started spritzing away.

The only issue we came across had nothing to do with Sam - it was all of the other children who where there, and I'm assuming they were getting their first hair cuts as well, for the screams and cries we were hearing could only mean just that.  And Samantha, being the concerned little girl she is, was very busy paying attention to them rather than keeping her head straight for the stylist to cut her hair.  For a while, I was even starting to think she was going to cry because everyone else around her was, but we quickly nipped it in the bud with a lollipop.  Once she had something to nom on, it was smooth sailing from there.... not the most ideal distraction, but it worked, and when there are scissors near my daughter, I'll be happy to do whatever it takes to keep her still.

So, without further ado, I give you.... Samma's first haircut! (Chris was much better at taking photos of her than I was... I think I was too preoccupied making sure the stylist didn't cut too much off!)

Getting ready!

Lollipop distractions

All done!

She pinned her hair back with a bobby pin that has "Snip-Its" written on it.  Adorable, but unnecessary product placement.

We also received a little certificate that had her name, the date, and a little sealed baggie of some of her hair clippings.  You may call it gross, but the mommy in me was happy to have the memento.  I'll probably put it in a shadowbox with the aforesaid Snip-Its ribbon and call it a day.

Once Sam was able to get out of the seat, they brought her over to a prize machine where she got to put in this large credit card-type object and then reach in and grab her prize for being so good.  She came out with a little squeeze seahorse, and she was OK with this.

When all was said and done, we paid $18.99 plus tip - I had Samma give it to Sarah and say thank you because I thought it was cute.  A little pricey, but like I said it wasn't something I was ready to do myself, so I was fine with it. 

Long story short, we were extremely happy with the experience, Sam's hair came out fine like we wanted it, and I definitely plan on going back for future trims.

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