Thursday, September 27, 2012

That time Samma had a birthday!

Samma's 2nd birthday was last Thursday, so I really wanted to make sure the day was dedicated to her and us as a small little family.   

I had DVR'd every part of the SunnySide Up Show in search of her card, but alas all we had was her name running across the bottom of the day's very first segment.  Better than nothing, I say!

Our intent was for Sam to open up the presents from us on Thursday night, but I swear the Terrible Twos kicked right in on that day, and the night was spent calming down meltdown after meltdown... we were only able to open one of the 3 presents we had for:  The Duplo My First Zoo!

Friday was a better night, and we were finally able to get through the rest of the presents we had for her.  I just preferred giving her our gifts ahead of time because I feel it's more special for us that way, and honestly, after the way gift-opening went at the party, I'm glad we did it this way, but more on that in another post.

Sometimes I go overboard buying clothes, and I really love getting Samma a nice complete outfit every special holiday, so I usually take a trip to Gymboree and buy a set, top to bottom.  Here's this birthday's ensemble!

Overboard and adorable, and I love it!

I also did a lot of theme-like gift searching this year.  Since we were sticking with Blue's Clues I checked high and low for Blue's Clues themed items.  As I mentioned in a previous post, I was able to find the invitations, cupcake baking cups, and treat bags, plus the t-shirt that had her name on it!  Well, in my super-sleuthing, I came across this lovely item:

Yes, that is a Blue's Clues backpack!  And what better to put in a Blue's Clues backpack?

Samma's own Handy Dandy Notebook, that's what!  I found it on Etsy, made by KreativeKaleb.  I'm just gonna say, Samma's eyes lit up the minute she realized the had her own Handy Dandy Notebook... Chris also had the camcorder rolling, so I'm glad we have it memorialized!

And since Sam was in a better mood Friday night, we had cake!

Leftover Chocolate Hazelnut cake from our anniversary dinner at The Capital Grille, but cake nonetheless!

So that was pretty much her actual birthday rundown.  As for her actual party?

To be continued...

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Aww, it's a shame your card didnt air (it was fabulous) but I'm glad they did get her name on there! & the outfit is adorable!