A line is a line is a line is a line.
And that's exactly what I kept telling Chris this morning after I saw two blues ones on the test.I went to bed knowing I was going to test this morning. And I think that was part of the reason for my restlessness throughout the night. That and I swore I kept feeling AF-like cramps. So at 6:30am I had to use the bathroom, and figured that now would be as good of a time as any (I also tempted, just in case it was a BFN), and not even 2 minutes later, sure enough, a distinct blue line matching the control window was starting back at be.
I quickly turned on the hall light and the bedroom light, just to make sure I wasn't going crazy.
"Baby, I think I'm pregnant."
"Really? Well congratulations... Why are you up so early?"
I wanted to smack him so bad, but I think he was still half-asleep because he quickly sat up, took the test from me, looked it over, and then couldn't stop smiling. It was actually really cute.
We spent the rest of the morning snuggin' and talking everything over... we're both pretty happy with this. The only downside is that we didn't get Aflac like we had wanted to, but that's what happens when you use the "whatever happens, happens" method.
We both agreed not to tell anyone, other a select two friends, until we go to the first ultrasound to make sure we're out of the clear. That, I think, is going to be the hardest part.
Needless to say, I'm still in shock. He's beyond shock, and excited. I'm being realistic, and trying to not get my hopes too high, just yet... he's telling me I need to not worry and start getting excited.
I'm going to POAS again Monday morning before I call my OB-GYN, just to make sure I'm not seeing things...
SO happy you found your way here! :D Now I don't feel like I'm typing to myself so much...
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