Monday, June 7, 2010

I like good appointments...

I went for my monthly OB appointment this morning and everything looks great! I'm measuring perfectly at 23 weeks, the baby's heartbeat is healthily up in the 140s, and my weight gain is exactly where it should be. The midwife also confirmed that it was, in fact, Braxton Hicks I felt in the middle of the night last week. Go uterus! She did caution me against painful cramps and spotting, saying that dehydration is a key factor, especially during this time of year, and should they occur to drink a liter of water and see what happens. I think I'm really going to just start upping the water intake big time just to make sure it doesn't!

I had the best midwife ever... I wish I could have the option to choose who exactly I want to deliver my baby, rather than just the midwife or doctor option, but Ashlee was amazing. She was so lively and friendly and just made me feel so comfortable. So I'm crossing my fingers that she's on rotation when I go into labor... so long as it's anyone but Jeanne.

Ashlee also got brownie points for actually looking over my chart before she came in to see me, and noticed the scare we endured last month, and took the time to ask me how we were doing since then to make sure we were handling everything all right emotionally. Obviously we're fine now, but it felt really nice to know someone in that office cared enough to ask.

And my 1-hour glucose tolerance test has officially been scheduled for July 8th. Bascially, I have to chug 10oz of the equivalent of uber-sweet flat orange soda in 5-10 minutes 45 minutes before the scheduled appointment (the appointment is at 8:15am, mind you) to get blood drawn to make sure my body can process the sugar well enough, and that I'm not a candidate for gestational diabetes... kinda not fun. Especially since rumor has it that if you eat beforehand your chances of failing are higher than not... but if I don't eat before getting any blood drawn I start to get lightheaded... blegh. The tech suggested protein, so maybe a single egg in the morning will tide me over... but until then, the orange "glucola" (their term, not mine) is chilling in my fridge for the next 4 weeks for I've heard it tastes better cold. We shall see.

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