Wednesday, June 23, 2010

It's so damn hot...

To anyone who's ever said that being pregnant over the summer isn't so bad is freakin' crazy! The heat and the humidity lately has been insane, and it's only the end of June!!! So far the heat has not been my friend. Last weekend I definitely got overheated and had to spend the afternoon in bed cooling down with the central AC and a fan blowing right now me. The AC in the house has been blasting ever since, and I'm so grateful that my desk is situated right beneath an AC vent in the office... it's funny, because I remember this time last year being FREEZING! Apparently it still is, as my coworkers are constantly complaining about the temp in here... I'm content.

And thanks to my lovely husband, I am proud to say that I now have my very own stretch mark. It's right under my belly near my belly button, so of course I couldn't see it on my own, so Chris was more than happy to point it out to me earlier this week. Have no fear, Palmer's is here, and oh am I rubbing that cocoa butter in every night.

Weight gain is steadily growing, but thats what's supposed to happen, right? I'm ok with this and not ashamed. I got on the scale this morning, and I was at 176.4, which means I've gained about 21 pounds since the start of everything. My doctor told me she wanted me to gain between 20-25, so we'll see what happens. I know I'll be over that, but at least I'm no where near hitting 200lbs. Plus, I'm already thinking about the workout regimen I want to start as soon as BabyBaby is born and I get the OK from the doctor. I've heard good things about the Couch to 5K (C25K) program and I've always wanted to start running, but with such little training or endurance I never knew where to start. So I'm going to download these podcasts, buy me some running sneakers, and hopefully I'll get the jogging stroller I put up on the regsitry (I'll obviously buy it myself if not - there's no way I'd be able to walk/run with the travel system's stoller) and away we'll go!

Speaking of the registry, I received my first gift yesterday!

One of the Niners, MrsMo, sent me my Boppy, and I am so excited! Ever since I started being surrounded by friends having babies, all I had heard about was how awesome the Boppy was, and how much of a must-have it would be, so when the time came to set up our own registry, it was definitely #1 on my list. And now I have one of my very own! Thank you, MrsMo! :D

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