Thursday, June 3, 2010

oh hai, Braxton Hicks!

So I think I felt my first Braxton Hicks contraction last night.

I woke up around 1am with this cramp similar to that of a period cramp on my left side, running from my abdomen down to my thigh, only it wasn't all that painful, just enough to be uncomfortable. So I got up and walked around a bit... it didn't last for longer than a minute, but I wanted to make sure it wasn't going to come back, so I sat on the couch and flipped through the Mayo Clinic's pregnancy book I had lying on my coffee table. Sure enough, Bracton Hicks contractions can start as early as 20 weeks, and the symptoms of what I was feeling were almost spot-on.

So, it starts... this uterus is getting primed and ready. It's going to be te easiest labor ever, right?? HA!

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