Tuesday, July 6, 2010

3rd trimester, and the evil that is heat

As of Sunday, my wonderful journey that is pregnancy is now 2/3 of the way complete. There are roughly only 3 months to go, and O. M. G. is there still a lot to do... that's why I've designated next weekend as "BabyBaby Weekend" - one while weekend with nothing else going on where we can just focus on getting the nursery painted and everything organized and done. I hope.

This past weekend, however, was the 4th of July weekend, and dear gods, was it hot. I'm not going to lie - I was incredibly uncomfortable. All I could do was drink water and then pee it out... food didn't even seem like a good idea because the last thing I wanted was a bothersome stomach.

I am grateful for our central AC, though - lemme tell you that! Of course, Chris is starting to freak me out with hypotheticals about the AC breaking because it's been blasting non-stop during this heatwave.... I would die.

This coming weekend is our Maine trip with friends, and talk about dying if there's no AC. We're staying in condo-like cabins up in northern Maine, and of course it didn't occur to me until this weekend that there is a chance they might not be AC'd... yikes. At least it's going to be cooler up there, and there's a pool... and I'd be really surprised if the main lodge wasn't AC'd... but then there's also the 4.5 hour car ride up. How many times do you think we're going to have to stop so that I can use the bathroom? Good times.

And I went outlet shopping yesterday - I only bought one outfit for BabyBaby, so I'm getting better! I also purchase a pair of maternity yoga pants for myself, and the Vera Bradley outlet had a bottle cooler that matched the same pattern as the Baby Bag I have - woot!

Its the littlest things that make me happy these days...

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