Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Birth Plan: Revised?

Our birthing class on Wednesday was very informative... so much so that I think I am revising my birthing plan.

Crazy, I know... but hear me out.

Initially I was all about the full on drugs... lemme get to 3cm and then stick an epidural in me, and I'm done! But now, not so much...

Once I learned that the high c-section rate at my hospital was directly related to the epidural rate, my mind quickly ventured down other avenues.

Now the plan is for a pain shot of Nubain (similar to Demerol) until about 6cms, to make sure I have an active labor pattern in place, and THEN we'll go for the epidural.

Wishful thinking, I know. They say the best birth plan is to not have a birth plan at all, but hey, at least it's something!


Anonymous said...


Thought I'd relay this info. Talked to Nikkis cousin who's wife used Nubain and honestly doesn't remember most of her labor and was really only awake for contractions. She really didn't enjoy her experience with that medication. She said that she only remembers the moment the baby was born. Just thought you might want to know one persons experience with the drug.


MaryBeth said...

Ya know, I think I could be ok with that... I would love to be able to sleep as much as I can through labor and just be like, oh hai baby! Regardless, I think what I'm trying to say is that anything they can give me to delay an epidural to avoid a c-section is fine with me. Say no to C-sections!