Friday, July 23, 2010

an update about work...

I had my meeting with the partners at the end of the day yesterday, and it went really well.

I let them know my absolute last day will be Friday, October 1, 2010, unless something happens before then.

They OK'd my request for a 12-week maternity leave, so my first day back won't be until Monday, January 3, 2011. And they'll let me use my saved vacation and sick time towards it as soon as I officially leave.

And when I come back in January, they'll let me have a 4-day work week with Thursdays off.

My mom also got the OK that she could have a 4-day work week as well, with Tuesdays off.

We sent an email to the daycare center, hoping they still had the Feb '11 spot open. If not, then we'll put ourselves on the waiting list and hope for the best.

But things are finally getting done, and I finally feel more comfortable that I can start making legit plans and cross things off my list. Yay.

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