Sunday, September 5, 2010

36 weeks.

Where the hell has the time gone??!

36 weeks.... 28 days to go. 4 weeks. Just one more week, and BabyBaby is welcome any time!

And I'm ready. She's dropping lower by the day, I swear... there's a lot of pressure on what feels like everything in my lower abdomen and sometimes it's pretty uncomfy. I've had a couple of Braxton Hicks in the last few days, but nothing that's really got me thinking that something - anything - is going to happen soon. I have my 36-week appointment so hopefully they'll be able to shed some light on her current progress.

All in all, I think we're pretty much all set for her arrival. The nursery is more or less finished - just a couple more details to clean up, and I think it will be picture ready by tomorrow!

Loki approves of the nursery decor...

Today, my friend JW asked me what else we needed to get.... and I really think we might be all set. I'm looking at my registry now, and everything that's left on it is pretty ancillary. I might want to get another changing pad cover, and the Boppy pad liners for extra protection. The breast pump/feeding accessories can wait until we get home from the hospital and we're absolutely sure I'll be breastfeeding. We WILL need the high chair for sure, but that can wait until we get the registry completion coupon and she's at least 6 months oldish. The only other thing that I really really want that we didn't receive it a mat for tummy time. I know a lot of people just use blankets, but with the dog hair and everything that is inevitably going to be on the floor, the more protection the better. Sadly, we won't be getting that registry completion coupon until 2 weeks prior to our due date, but I do have plenty of 20% off coupons... hmm....

Luckily tomorrow is Labor Day, which means no work, and hopefully, no baby... yet. ;p Nothing is planned, and I'm ok with that! More time to focus on tying up loose ends around the house while we still can!

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